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Do you REALLY need a travel system?

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Do you REALLY need a travel system?

Did anyone not register for one. All the books I'm reading say they are pretty much useless after the baby gets out of the infant stage. Did anyone register for a plain old stroller, and which one? TIA!

Posted 2/12/06 12:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Proud SAHM

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

I never had them. They do look nice but they grow out of them so quickly..
I always just had seperate car seats and strollers...

Posted 2/12/06 12:08 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

All the separate strollers just look so flimsy for a tiny baby, though. That's my ONLY concern.

Posted 2/12/06 12:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

I didn't. I registered for the Maclaren Techno XT stroller for when the baby outgrows the infant car seat/snap n go.

I heard the travel systems are much heavier, so I wanted to avoid that.

Posted 2/12/06 12:10 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

I have a travel system....and LOVE it!

When Ryan grows out of his carrier.... the stroller is still used like any other carriage...

I have the below travel system, and stroller (which Ill use when he's a little early for qucik trips, to the park/store)

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 2/12/2006 12:16:58 PM.

Posted 2/12/06 12:13 PM

My munchkins

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

i got a car seat that is compatable with the stroller so it can snap in but olivia is getting big and has head control so i can put her right into the stroller instead of needed to use the car seat. i wasnt crazy about the travel systems when i looked and really wanted a stroller that was highly rated.

Posted 2/12/06 12:21 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

Posted by Princessmaris

I have a travel system....and LOVE it!

When Ryan grows out of his carrier.... the stroller is still used like any other carriage...

I have the below travel system, and stroller (which Ill use when he's a little early for qucik trips, to the park/store)

i plan on going the same route, with the same travel system! a colleague at work says she loves it also...

Posted 2/12/06 12:44 PM

He's here!!

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

Posted by Princessmaris

I have a travel system....and LOVE it!

When Ryan grows out of his carrier.... the stroller is still used like any other carriage...

I have the below travel system, and stroller (which Ill use when he's a little early for qucik trips, to the park/store)

is that GRACO? i registered for a travel system, but they didnt have the color I wanted. then i saw they sold the car seat and stroller separately but they fit together as a 'travel system' so thats what we did instead. we got the "GRACO Sand dollar "

Posted 2/12/06 12:46 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

yes it gracoChat Icon

Posted 2/12/06 1:06 PM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

I registered for one and then I registered for a bigger carseat. The stroller is up to 50lbs so that will be big enough.

External Image

External Image

Message edited 2/12/2006 1:17:42 PM.

Posted 2/12/06 1:07 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

We registered for a stroller and then an infant seat that sits in it, but its not a travel system together. You need a stroller and IMO the infant car seats that go right from the car to the stroller or in the house or where ever, are a great thing to have.

Posted 2/12/06 1:20 PM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

1372 total posts


Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

Posted by Princessmaris

yes it gracoChat Icon

Chat Icon i can spot those a mile away ! Chat Icon

Posted 2/12/06 1:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

i did not register for a travel system. i registered for the graco snugride car seat, and the graco car seat stroller frame. i also registered for the peg perego pliko p3 as my main stroller for when the baby is out of the car seat. the main reason for me doing this was the heaviness of the travel systems. i know the quattro stroller is very heavy and since i am petite, i wanted something lightweight and easy to fold.

Message edited 2/12/2006 1:38:14 PM.

Posted 2/12/06 1:37 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

I havent looked into anything yet or registered but what exactly is the travel system? a car seat that locks into the stroller? thanks!

Posted 2/12/06 2:01 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

I have a travel system and I thought it was a little bulky. We have Honda CR-V and it took up alot of the trunk space. Although, it was easy to manage with one hand and very cushy, I willl probably by a infant carrier and a snap n go carrier for the next child and use a light weight stroller later.

I just bought the Chicco stroller that Princessmariss posted. I love it and it gives a little more support than an umbrella stroller.

Posted 2/12/06 2:05 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

I didn't get a travel system. I thought the strollers that go with them were just too big and bulky and I already have a Britax infant carrier so I didn't need another carrier. I got a Snap N Go and also the Peg Perego Pliko stroller. The infant carrier I have actually snaps right into the Pliko so I'm not sure if I will even use the Snap N Go or just return it. The Pliko is pretty lightweight ( I think it only weighs a pound or 2 more than the Snap N Go) and it also folds up umbrella style so I think it will actually take up less space than the Snap N Go. Still not sure what I'm going to do. Has anyone used the Pliko as a travel system?

Posted 2/12/06 2:46 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

We have one and I love it. When the baby outgrows the car seat, you still use the stroller so its basically the same as having just a stroller, no?
The one I got is very light and easy to fold open and close with one hand.

Posted 2/12/06 2:56 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

I am just trying to keep it so I don't have too many pieces of baby equipment to store. I would register for a travel system and then another stroller to hold her when she gets bigger, but I just don't have the space to store something I'm not going to use yet, so I'm just looking into my options. I do, however, like how the infant carrier snaps right into the strollers. I don't know. I'm so confused about all this registering stuff.
Then I have that baby bargains book that Corinne gave me (thanks, by the way!), and all the strollers I thought were good ones got bad ratings. But I refuse to register for things that are ridiculously expensive because I do not want anyone to feel like they need to spend so much on a gift. Argh! I'm so confusedChat Icon

Posted 2/12/06 3:03 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

Rach- I also found the reviews of items on the babiesrus website, really helpful.....If you wanna compare it too the bargain book...

Posted 2/12/06 3:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

I don't understand what you mean when you say the baby will outgrow this. Once they outgrow the car seat, you can still use the stroller for a long time.

Posted 2/12/06 3:50 PM

My Everything

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

No. I HATE mine.

Posted 2/12/06 4:00 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

We have one that is the Graco Metrolite line. The stroller isn't heavy at all. I can easily get it in and out of the trunk of our Camry and I'm 20 weeks pregnant. Plus I still have room for groceries or whatever.

The carseat made the stroller heavier, we left a Snap N Go frame in the trunk for when we were out, and used the infant seat in the stroller for walks in our neighborhood. Now I use the stroller all the time.

Posted 2/12/06 4:05 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

Posted by NovemberSue

I don't understand what you mean when you say the baby will outgrow this. Once they outgrow the car seat, you can still use the stroller for a long time.

The weight limits on a lot of them are pretty low, some as low as 22 lbs. To me, that's kind of low when some of the other, non travel system strollers have a limit of like 40lbs. That's all. Plus, I read they are not that sturdy.

Posted 2/12/06 4:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

The Chicco is very lightweight. And can be done with one hand and stands alone. I have a very bad back and that was the main factor for registering for it. Also the stroller is up to 50lbs which is greatChat Icon

Posted 2/12/06 5:17 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Do you REALLY need a travel system?

Posted by 5ofClubs

The Chicco is very lightweight. And can be done with one hand and stands alone. I have a very bad back and that was the main factor for registering for it. Also the stroller is up to 50lbs which is greatChat Icon

I saw this one and liked it. Is it good for infants, too?

Posted 2/12/06 5:19 PM
Pages: [1] 2

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