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3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

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True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

I am 31 weeks and had a very bad few days with feeling overwhelmed and anxious. I feel like our house will never be ready, and I have been crying my eyes out on and off all day. I'm sure a part of it is hormonal but I genuinely feel like we will never get this house in order on time. Anyone else?

Posted 12/13/09 5:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

i definitely felt that way in the beginning of the 3rd tri.

what helped me was just making a list of all of the things i wanted to have done before the baby got here (only things that are 100% necessary!) and crossing them off one by one as we did them.

i'm 38 weeks, 4 days now... and i still feel like not everything is done! but i know we have enough done for when the baby gets here.. and everything else can be done in time!

Posted 12/13/09 6:02 PM


Member since 5/07

9579 total posts


Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

Oh I hear you..with this pre-term labor scare I have been all over the map. I woke up last night bawling because it hit me that I was going to have to deliver DD and THEN bring her home! I mean I knew I would but to KNOW that it's "here" OMGChat Icon Chat Icon I feel so unprepared for it all since the plan was she should be here atleast after Christmas and everything is off. My OCD is in OVER DRIVE. I think it's normal and what helps me is talking to Joe about it and breathing. I made a list of what HAD to be done and one by one they are getting checked off. I started with the most important to the least and that has helped calm me. We'll never be "ready", but feeling like I have some control over something has really helped me.

Posted 12/13/09 7:13 PM


Member since 8/06

3762 total posts


Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

i wasnt until a few days ago when i realized i was now 35 weeks preg and i delivered ds at 37 weeks... i have really got nothing done so dh is off tomorrow and it is all getting done... and i will prob not deliver til 42 weeks this time

Posted 12/13/09 8:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/09

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Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

I feel that way all the time. What helps me is realizing what is really necessary, and what can wait. We just moved in 3 months ago, and still have boxes, and still are waiting for our couch, but we have a place for DD to sleep, clothing for her to wear, bottles, a car seat, and I think that's all we REALLY need.
It will be OK. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/09 9:41 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

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Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

Not yet. I'm 28 weeks now, just starting the third tri. We have no name, no furniture, and the nursery is a disaster and full of boxes! But we do have clothes and a bassinet (we are using the PNP) and I plan on BFing again, so I have to clean my pump... that's pretty much it! It will all come together, you'll see Chat Icon

The only thing I foresee myself freaking out about is how DS will react to the new baby, but there's nothing I can do about it other than make it a positive experience for him, so I'm trying to be laid back about it.

Posted 12/13/09 9:55 PM

My princess <3

Member since 5/09

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Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

I felt that way. I will be 39 weeks on Wednesday and we just finished the nursery (still working on little details) but it kind of all sinks in at once. Hang in there!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/09 10:07 PM

I LOVE my sons! :)

Member since 5/09

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Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

I'm 35.5 weeks and finally feeling a little better. I've been very emotional and hormonal this week, aka (bitchyChat Icon )

I made a few lists and started to calm down. I didnt think I would get that nesting instinct and was just feeling SO overwhelemed about the house being cluttered and a mess I just started organizing tonight. Once I started with the baby stuff it was easy for me to get with the cleaning. I was starting to have stomach pains so I'm taking a break hoping to fall asleep now. I cant wait to start again tomorrow. I'm totally motivated now! I'm soooo excited! Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/09 12:59 AM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

Thanks so much for respondingChat Icon Other than a freak out over the swine flu outbreak in my classroom, I have been pretty calm and pulled together this pregnancy so the last week has been tough with feeling overwhelmed and anxious. I am glad to hear I am not alone. Hopefully, things will start getting crossed over the "to do" list too and make me feel better.

Thank you againChat Icon

Posted 12/14/09 4:10 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

595 total posts


Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

I'm almost 28 weeks and have not got anything ready! My hower is in a month, so I am hoping to have the room emptied/painted/re-floored by then, but really it all depends on my DH and if he gets his butt in gear! I feel like I've done everything that I can physically do, and now it's on him Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/09 4:53 PM

It's FUN to be ONE

Member since 7/09

4363 total posts


Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

Oooh yesss... LOL. There is just so much to be done, yet only so little that I am capable of doing. The house is spotless, so that's a good thing, but in orded to start the nursery, we need 3 big pieces of furniture put in the basement... then all the baby stuff we already have will just stay in the middle of the room until it is completely painted. Then on to the floors... which we are ripping up the carpet and refinishing the floors under. once it's painted we'll be ALMOST there... I just hope it can get done THIS week... getting stressed... with the holidays coming up and so many booked weekends, I'm wondering when we're gonna have time to finish... But, in the long run I know that it WILL be done...

Posted 12/14/09 5:59 PM

In love with a boy named Luca

Member since 6/09

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Re: 3rd tri ladies - feeling overwhelmed?

The other day I was freaking out about my registry and my uncle who has a baby reminded me that what needs to get bought I can buy and what needs to get done will get done just as a natural process. Specifically I was all crazy about swings and he was like look you don't live in Antarctica- if you need something go to BRU and buy it, lol. I feel like the same goes for getting everything ready. If the baby needs his ear thermometer but you haven't seen it since your shower go through ur mess and unpack it. Just take it step b step- you don't have to organize everything pre-baby- you can organize little by little at the same time as you dig for things or put things together that you need as the needs arise.

My DH works insane hours- like 15+ a day. So, I've worried quite a bit about painting the nursery and all that stuff. Now I've come to terms that everything won't and doesnt need to be done.

Posted 12/14/09 6:14 PM

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