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Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
How are all the new Mommies?
I know there are a lot of us on the boards....May was a busy month!
Kerri's cord stump fell off last night and boy was it into the bath she goes
She still sleeps like an angel.....put her down at 10 and she is up at 2am then sleeps till 6 or 7am
How are the rest of the new moms?
Message edited 6/2/2006 10:43:24 AM.
Posted 6/2/06 10:43 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
That sounds great. I can't wait for his stump to fall off and his you know what to heal. I hate putting vaseline on it. I am afraid I am going to hurt it.
I am very very tired And still recovering from the c-section. Thank goodness my mom has been here all week to help me.
I go to get my staples out today and I am so nervous it will hurt but excited to see how much weight I lost.
Andrew wakes up 3 times night to eat. 12:30 am, 3 am, and then around 5:30. At 5:30 am it seems to be his awake time. I guess I will get used to it
At least he is healthy
Posted 6/2/06 10:48 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
We are doing good over here.
Gianna's stump fell off about 2 weeks or so ago, took forever!
We didn't put a thing on it not even alchohol, vaseline? Wouldn't that keep it moist?
Gianna is doing well with BF'ing-sometimes-mommy that's another story. Right now, knock on wood, she's only up once during the night then sleeps til 6-8am depending on when she gets up.
she is getting soo big, can't believe a month has gone by already!
I am still a some pain from her birth, not so much my epsiotomy, but a bit south of there I wish someone really warned me about the big H and how 2.5 hours of pushing would do to me! I swear that pain is worse then my stitches! I still feel like some days I got hit by a truck and just need to sleep the day away. Today is a pj day!
Posted 6/2/06 11:02 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
Vaseline on his privates. Sorry not on his stump
Posted 6/2/06 11:05 AM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
Hope you all recover nicely and have a great summer with your new babies
Posted 6/2/06 11:05 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
Posted by 5ofClubs
Vaseline on his privates. Sorry not on his stump
Oh okay Now that I re-read your 1st post, vaseline makes sense to where it needs to go
Posted 6/2/06 11:48 AM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
Well I was due May 8th but she was actually born April 28th...but in my heart Im a May Mommy
She is getting so big, 9lbs 4oz. I love her so much. Started her new formula today and praying it helps her. Last night was pretty good, she slepy from 12-2 and 2-5.
Im so glad she's starting to fit in to her cute 0-3 mo. ouitfits now! Mommy is taking tons of pics!
ETA: recovery for me is still slow, Im having a lot of pain from my c/s and they are sending me for blood work and I'm still on pain killers, it stinks. I leaned against the counter before and saw stars bc my abdomen hurts that much still.
Message edited 6/2/2006 12:49:47 PM.
Posted 6/2/06 12:48 PM |
what what!?

Member since 5/05 4206 total posts
Name: Lissette
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
Reporting in... lol
Justin's cord still hasn't fallen off, but it's getting loose, and you can see the belly button behind it. That sucker is coming out any moment now.
Justin's sleeping hasn't been completely on point, but for the most part, he sleeps for 3-4 hours straight until he wants food. The issue we're starting to have is getting him to sleep after he feeds in the nighttime. He's still on that womb schedule were he sleeps more in the day, than at night. Hopefully we can establish one soon!
I dunno if I'm the only one, but I STILL can't believe that I'm a MOMMY! I still can't believe this child is mine, and I still feel like I'm dreaming!
Posted 6/2/06 3:41 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
I remember all your BFPs and now you are all mommies with the cutest, most adorable babies I have ever seen!
Posted 6/2/06 3:45 PM |
I'm two!

Member since 5/05 4320 total posts
Name: Ann
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
Jackson's stump fell off after a couple of weeks. All of a sudden it wasn't there, and I asked DH what happened to it and he didn't know. I was afraid the dog ate it Then one day I was wiping down the leather couch and found Jackson's stump in between one of the cushions! Ewwwww!
He sleeps 2 - 3 hours at a time, but in the early hours of the morning (when it's my turn to watch him) he won't sleep after his bottle unless I lay him on my chest. I hope he outgrows that soon! He had a doctor's appointment the other day and is up to 8lbs 3oz.
I'm 3 weeks PP and still feel pressure in the perineum area (had an episiotomy) so I'm still taking it easy.
Posted 6/2/06 3:54 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
My sons stump fell off yesterday @ 8 days old. Im so glad, it was hard burping him and trying to be careful in the belly area not to disturb it. He's just sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. And eating and pooping LOL Went to the ped for the first time yesterday and got the Hepatitis shot (Awww!) and is one ounce shy of being back at his birthweight. Doing great. I just dont know how the heck to dress him with this stickiness. He loves being swaddled. I got the Swaddle Me and its great. Its a new product since I had my other 2 kids and what a great item. First bath tonight I think.
Posted 6/2/06 3:56 PM |
what what!?

Member since 5/05 4206 total posts
Name: Lissette
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
Posted by shamrock12472
I remember all your BFPs and now you are all mommies with the cutest, most adorable babies I have ever seen! We've all come a LONG way!
Posted 6/2/06 3:57 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
Posted by Lichi
Posted by shamrock12472
I remember all your BFPs and now you are all mommies with the cutest, most adorable babies I have ever seen! We've all come a LONG way!
Thats for recovery has been quite good....really no pain
I have pictures of Kerri AKA Animal in a photo album under community
Posted 6/2/06 4:49 PM |

Member since 9/05 8660 total posts
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
I am still recovering from the c-section. Alex will be 2 weeks old this Sunday. He sleeps every 2-3 hrs and still drinks almost 4oz between feedings. Went to the pediatrician today and he said try to give him 2-3oz and if he still hungry, fee him 1-2oz of water. He weighs 10lbs exactly today
Posted 6/2/06 6:47 PM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
I'm pretty much fully recovered from my c-section. I go to the doctor next week for my 6-week check up. I too am anxious to see how much weight I've lost. They didn't weigh me when I went to have my staples removed. All of my PG clothes are too big on my now, and I'm almost into my pre-PG clothes.
My baby is doing pretty well. She still has a real fussy time almost every night from like 9-12 where we can't really do much to console her. That is the worst part of the day. Most of the rest of the day, she still just sleeps and eats. I try to keep her up and engage her but am usually unsuccessful. A few times this week, she has slept for 8 hours straight. It's not every night yet, but we keep hoping it will continue. Other nights, she goes down around 12 or 1, gets up after 4 hours or so to eat and then goes back down for several more hours. It really hasn't been bad. I feel very blessed.
Posted 6/2/06 8:05 PM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
Well, a lot happened today. I went to get my staples out and I lost 20 pounds I weigh less then before I got PG
I feel awesome after the c-section. It has been 8 days and I feel just a little itchy where the incision is.
And Andrew's stump fell off after 8 days. Thank goodness. I hated looking at that thing
And he had his 1st bath. That was some experience. At first I put too much water and I thought he was going to drown. I was panicking. But we all survived
Posted 6/2/06 10:48 PM |
Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05 11561 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: How are all the new Mommies?
I am doing well and so is Gracie!
I feel great after my c-section and I joined WW today! I survived my first week alone (without help from family) and it was not too bad.
Gracie is fantastic! She is sleeping 4-5 hours at a clip at night. She wakes up between 1-2 and 5-6 for a feeding and diaper change. DH takes the first shift (10:30PM-3AM) and I have the second shift (after 3AM) and the rest of the day until DH comes home. I am really glad we have a schedule that works for us. I am so thankful that my DH is so hands on and helpful.
Posted 6/3/06 7:32 PM |