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IUI and multiples.

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/13

2295 total posts


IUI and multiples.

Hi Ladies,

I am not pregnant yet, but I have a question. Is there anyone here who conceived through an IUI and got multiples?? I am going in for my first IUI next week and wanted to know if anyone did this and got multiples as a result.


Posted 10/22/15 1:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 9/12

360 total posts


IUI and multiples.

I'm crashing as I have no children and I'm not pregnant. I am TTC for years now so I know a thing or two about this. Doing an IUI alone does NOT increase your chance of multiples. So if you just do an unmedicated IUI, your chance of multiples is no higher than it was if you had timed intercourse. If you do a medicated IUI, or even medicated timed intercourse for that matter, (with clomid or injectables), then yes, you are increasing your chance of multiples. By how much will depend on your history and only your doc can answer that.

Posted 10/24/15 2:33 PM

Yes it is! Going as planned:)

Member since 6/07

5339 total posts


IUI and multiples.

I got pg doing a medicated cycle with Femera and injectables (I forgot what it was we used, but it triggered my eggs to drop) and I got pg with triplets. We lost one of the babies at 10 or 11 weeks pg but we have almost 5 year old twins now. Like the pp poster said, it all depends on what kind of cycle you are doing. Medicated or unmedicated.

Posted 10/25/15 12:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/13

2295 total posts


Re: IUI and multiples.

Yes I'm doing unmedicated. Just office monitoring.

Posted 10/25/15 8:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/12

360 total posts


Re: IUI and multiples.

Posted by MemorialDayBride12

Yes I'm doing unmedicated. Just office monitoring.

Then your odds of multiples is unchanged. An IUI is a way of placing the sperm closer to your cervix. When people say they had twins after an IUI, it's because they took medication which made their ovaries produce multiple follicles. The IUI itself doesn't produce an extra follicle.

Posted 10/27/15 8:47 AM

Twins times TWO!

Member since 1/11

1197 total posts


Re: IUI and multiples.

I have twins from clomid/IUI. It isn't common, but it happened to me!

Posted 10/27/15 9:29 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/22

1 total post


IUI and multiples.

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Message edited 7/3/2022 10:38:45 AM.

Posted 7/3/22 10:37 AM

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