Work Smart Not Hard: A Look At Some Of The Most Popular Workout Myths Guys Believe:
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forgetg
There’s nothing wrong with your guy (or guys in general) having a nice body. After all a pleasing physique on either guys or gals can be a work of art. But, it seems that the lingering plight among the male population is treating the gym as some kind of competing ground for (those into) survival of the fittest.
Sure having nice abs, pecks and assets is an advantage, but bulking up to the size of the Incredible Hunk, and grunting and groaning is much less attractive than most men realize. And, with a new fitness fad and craze entering the fitness arena every week, it becomes quite confusing on what the best results are and how to achieve the. Still, we definitely know what ISN’T appealing and among the most common fitness mistakes men make.
1. More Time Means More Muscle: Spending just as much time at the gym as you do at your desk (maybe even more so) won’t get you results, but instead, say experts will only serve to stifle your growth. That’s right, instead of your body rebuilding muscle it will continue to break it down, which results in you losing muscle. Trainers suggest using your brains, and not your braun to achieve the best results. Dedicate yourself to your workout pushing yourself as hard as you can then allowing your muscles to rest and repair and “ripen”. And they add, that if you’re working out for more than an hour, you’re likely doing something wrong.
2. Equating Success With Bulk: While you may look intimidating, the reality remains that there is often no connection between size and strength. Plus, most women would prefer someone who didn’t look like he experienced a “genetic malfunction”. Experts remind avid exercisers that there are different kinds of (beneficial) training. Power training may not add size, but at the same time can help with strength improvements. They add that this type of training is best for and most popular among “smaller” men such as those who practice martial arts. And, they add, that despite the lack of bulk, you’re sure to achieve lots of speed (and agility).
3. Bulking Up Means You Have To Buy Into The Latest “Craze”: Just because something is new doesn’t mean it’s improved. Just look at the nutrition industry. Seems like the best way to eat (and stay fit, firm and healthy) is the old fashioned way. And according to experts, the best way to get a good workout for your muscles is still by relying on good old dumbbells. Plus, dumbbells offer the greatest variety of exercises you can do, essential from preventing plateaus from occurring. And, dumbbells are the most cost-effective option, and can be used in the privacy of your own home.
4. Viewing Cardio As A “Cure-All”: Certainly cardio is necessary for keeping you and your heart in shape, but it will do little for helping you tone or build muscle. It’s also important to remember that since its focus is on burning calories, you’ll need to make sure to supplement your diet accordingly, especially if you want to supplement the calories needed to gain muscle. Finally, focus on keeping your cardio sessions short and sweet to help with your stamina and your strength training.
5. You Can Crunch Away Your Gut: Love handles and six-pack abs can’t be achieved by doing ab exercises alone. The only thing stomach exercises will help you achieve is strong stomach muscles. To see any type of significant results you should refrain from rewarding yourself with a beer and try to lower your overall body fat percentage (via a good cardio program and a disciplined diet plan).
6. Push Your Muscles To The Point Of Failure: Pushing yourself “hard” is one thing, but pushing yourself to the max everytime may result in overtraining. Instead, experts suggest a moderate program of fitness and exercise, mixing it up between pushing yourself to the limit and lighter fitness routines, used to concentrate on other areas of your training such as strength and endurance.
7. Once You Start, You Can’t Stop: Many men fear muscle turning into fat once they stop bodybuilding. However, experts asserts that losing body fat and building muscle are two profoundly different processes, and though it can be achieved simultaneously, it is generally not. In fact they add that most men need to concentrate on one area before shifting their focus to the other. This is also due in part to the fact that in order to gain muscle you need to take in more calories than you burn, and the way to reducing body fat is burning more calories tan your take in.
8. The Proof Is In The Pudding (Or Package): Lots of guys train with others who look like they know what they are doing or talking about. In fact, many assume that just because someone looks fit, they are, and therefore must be well informed. Experts remind guys that while they may know what they are doing, they may simply be blessed with good genes. And they add that since everyone is different, what worked for them isn’t guaranteed to work for you. They suggest listening to what he has to say, analyzing his recommendations, doing your homework and your research and tailoring YOUR routine to YOU.
9. Body Type Is Hereditary: While good genes ARE hereditary, how fit, trim, or healthy your parents are may have no basis for they type of body you will have. Maybe your parents are in good shape because they make good choices and work at it. On the other hand, they may be out of shape or overweight because of the choices they make and lifestyle they lead. So, remember, that how your look and feel about yourself is in large part dependent on you, and a combination of genetics, diet, and the proper fitness program for you.
Finally experts note that part of NOT falling prey to fitness fallacies or myths is staying well-educated and informed and applying critical thinking. Consider not only where the information is coming from, but also the validity and credibility of the source.
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Work Smart Not Hard: A Look At Some Of The Most Popular Workout Myths Guys Believe:
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