Vaccination Cancelation:Chemicals Affecting the Body’s Response to Vaccinations
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By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
In our everyday lives we are exposed to many natural and synthetic chemicals that can have harmful effects on our systems, either now or in the future. Children are far from exempt from the effects of chemical exposure, and are being altered and exposed from the moment of conception.
One of the newest findings about these constant exposures is that some chemicals may be compromising the body’s response to disease preventing vaccinations.
Perfluorinated compounds, or PFCs, are chemicals used a lot of food packaging and non-stick products. The compounds are water and grease resistant, and are found on many different brands of paper plates, upholstery, and rainwear. It was found that 6 in 10 paper bags and cardboard packaging used in the food industry contain PFCs. This is an issue because of how PFCs can be transferred into the body; they can be absorbed through food or water, or even through dust particles from treated materials.
To find out the amount of chemicals an individual has been exposure to a simple blood test has to be taken.
A study performed measured the levels of PFCs that participating children had been exposed to prenatally up until age 7. Before birth, scientists took blood samples from the mothers, and then they extracted samples from the children at ages 5 and 7.
The study found that children with the highest levels of PFC exposure had the lowest antibodies and response to vaccines. Before receiving booster shots, at age 5, 26% of the children had antibody concentrations too low to protect them from tetanus, and 37% had levels too low to protect them from diphtheria. All of these tested children were then given booster shots to provide them with additional protection.
Although the study does not prove definitely that these chemicals cause the lack of response in the immune system, the findings are definitely enough to give researchers pause and concern about their possible effects.
Although the EPA has made sure that the US production of one of these chemicals, PFOS, was phased out in 2002, they are still produced in large amounts in China, keeping them in our consumer market.
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Vaccination Cancelation:Chemicals Affecting the Body’s Response to Vaccinations