The Quicker “Fixer-Upper”: Choosing A Home Improvement Specialist
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![](/i/a/1893.jpg) By Mia Bolaris-Forget
While living on Long Island or in the Tri-State area, for that matter, may not be the best indicator or predictor of the housing market, experts suggest it’s in a “slump”. And, I suppose, especially with local prices at a still outrageous “all-time” high, it may not be a burgeoning buyer’s market for you and may. So, what exactly does that mean. It’ means more to add to your “honey-do” list, and that say experts often means investing more time and money into your home. And, while you may want to, sometimes you just “can’t” do it all on your own, making I imperative to invest in a professional or professionals you can trust.
1. Locations and reputation: Experts suggest seeking our local companies with a long-standing reputation and history in the community and not just some fly-by-nigh operation that’s seems to be offering a good price.
2. Conduct a reference check: Talk to others in the area who have used the company, and/or referred you to them and ask them to be honest about the pros and cons and what you can expect. Remember, word of mouth is generally accurate and the best way to get information about a company. At least, it’s a good place to start.
3. Dig Deeper: Ask the company for additional references and actually “do” your homework.
4. Take a hike: To a current work site that is. Without looking like you’re snooping get a general idea about how the company works and try to get some feedback from the client. More than one or two complaints say experts should be a red flag.
Long Island Home & Lifestyle Articles
The Quicker “Fixer-Upper”: Choosing A Home Improvement Specialist