Entertaining Made Easy: Creating A Simple But Sensational Social Experience
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Entertaining friends and family is a great way and fairly inexpensive way to socialize. But, for many working women it can seem like just another chore, not necessarily the socializing, but the prep work and the clean up. And, you thought or heard that this was suppose to be “fun”. Well, it can be, at least if you follow (some) of these tips.
· The more the merrier: At least when it comes to cooks in the kitchen. Not only is this an ideal way to save time, alleviate (some) stress, and get to sample someone else’s great cooking, but its also a ways to cut back on costs since you won’t be the only one buying or preparing food. And, it’s good for guests too, since they can take home “leftovers” and not worry (too much) about what to prepare for the rest of the week.
· Double Up: Don’t just ask for help in the kitchen, but consider co-hosting your event. Remember two heads are better than one, and it lightens the workload. And, you co-host can be your hubby, just as long as each of you has, and does, his fair share of the prep-work, and the cleanup, and does something to infuse into the party his or her unique perspective and personality.
· Rules To Live By: Most hosts stress because they may not properly plan, and are then faced with playing “beat the clock”. Instead it’s best to start planning, even if only mentally or by having essential supplies on hand, well in advance. It’s an even better idea to have foods prepared ahead of time. Simply freeze them or keep them in the fridge (depending on how long it will be before you serve them), preheat them, then serve them up just before guests arrive. You may also want to have your space set up the night or a few days before. Having everything ready and your place in tip top shape, will give you the extra time you need to pay attention to details and finishing touching, getting YOU ready for the event and the ability to enjoy it.
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Entertaining Made Easy: Creating A Simple But Sensational Social Experience