Wine And Dandy: Dandy Gifts For The “Connoisseur”
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Wine is not only a “healthy” beverage, but it has traditionally been the “standard” when it comes to elegant, yet not too pricey or personal gift-giving. And, there’s typically something to suit every taste.
Ah, but before you buy, you must know your recipient; at least according to the experts. In fact, they assert that there’s something for every level of “connoisseur”.
The Novice: Someone who is just getting acquainted with the fine flavours of wine and is eager to experiment and learn. In fact, their lack of familiarity with the varieties makes them ideal to shop for.
Wine Guides: One of the best ways to expand their knowledge and horizons about the greatness of the grape. Consider books about wine history, including information about wines indigenous to specific regions, food pairings, and encyclopedias that offer much more.
Glasses: Consider increasing their collection of glasses to help them discover the joys of wine tasting. Consider different shapes and sizes as well as a variety of stemware suitable for different gatherings and occasions.
Decanters: Not only are they “fashionable” but they are also essential for allowing some robust reds to breath. However, experts caution against overspending since you can find affordable options between $20 and $50.
Wine Racks: Though the “newbee” isn’t ready to build a cellar, a small to medium wine rack may serve as the encouragement they need to experiment and get to the next level.
The Eager Enthusiast: Having already mastered the basics, this individual is probably past simply enjoying a glass of wine with dinner or at happy hour. In fact, he or she probably likes to pay a visit or two to the wineries, is a member of a wine club and has some favorites perhaps stored away at home. These folks also likely enjoy reading up on the latest wine reviews and perusing some of the finer wine shops. But, they are far from “wine snobs’, but rather enjoy making wine part of a good life of fun and festivities.
Wine Openers: While a corkscrew may do the job well enough, why not give this enthusiastic wine love something a bit more “fun” and “frivolous”.
Wine Totes: A perfect gift for the individual who enjoys bringing his or her favorite bottle with him or her on a weekend getaway. It’s a stylish way to protect their liquid assets.
Stemware Racks: A great gift for the avid wine collector allowing him or her to easily access their favorites without taking up much shelf space. Also handing glasses upside down allows them to dry more easily without spotting. This is an especially good gift for someone who has acquired an extensive wine glass collection.
Wine racks: Serious collectors need serious storage space for their wines to rest. Once an enthusiast, racks become more part of the essential household furnishings that attractive accessories.
The Aficionado: This person has reached “expert” status and buying him or her a mere bottle of wine may not be met with appreciation, unless your gift meets his/her standards….and they may not be easy to meet.
Chillers: Perfect for chilling whites and they come in a variety of sizes allowing the expert to cool a wine from room temperature to drinking temperature in minutes to keeping a case at exactly the right temperature.
Thermometers: Since experts are well-versed in the temperature of almost every type of wine, especially those they love these modern marvels allow them to indulge and enjoy at just the perfect temperature. From cork probes to point-and-shoot laser devices, it makes the art of pouring the perfect glass easy.
Preservation Devices: This allows the enthusiast to enjoy a glass or two without feeling the need to drain the bottle before it goes “bad”. And, for the eclectic expert, merely putting the cork back in, simply isn’t enough. Modern science has made keeping wine fresh both an art and a science.
Wine Cabinets: Wine aficionados tend to collect wines they love and store them on premise. And, while it’s likely they also have a designated location for their favorite flavours, it can be “inconvenient” to trot down to the cellar every time you want to enjoy some “grape juice”. A specialized cabinet is the perfect piece of furniture for our picky wine loving friends and family.
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Wine And Dandy: Dandy Gifts For The “Connoisseur”