Played Out: Dealing With A Man Who’s Into March Madness
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
There are those women who are football “widows”, hockey “widow” and now just in time for the warmer weather when you’d rather be enjoying your time outside, those wonderful wives who are relegated to becoming sports “widows’ during March Madness.
And, while many women may look forward to some extra free time to catch up on some of their favorite novels, hitting the book store or making a trip to the mall. On the other hand, many ladies may feel abandoned and like their man (at least for the time being) in neglecting the relationship and the responsibilities that go along with being married.
And, according to experts feelings of frustration are quite common and even justifiable. But, they add that you need to keep in mind that you need to give him at least a “little” freedom. After all, you wouldn’t want him to ask you to turn off some of your favorite shows or forbid you from going shopping.
And, experts add that there may even be some positive perks to being married to the avid sports fan. They remind wives that this is a great way for your guy to unwind and blow off some steam. Plus, it’s likely he’s engaging in game-watching with the guys, which gives him the perfect opportunity to identify with a group and bond with friends, which are excellent for boosting his mental health. And, sometimes it’s an easy and comfortable way for dads to bond with their children, especially their boys.
On the other hand, if your man’s game time is negatively affecting his responsibilities, including helping around the house, family time and/or couples time, you may be en route to a “problem”.
Professionals suggest using game time as your personal “escape” time to pamper yourself or catch on all those things you want or have been meaning to do. And, if you want to support your man and his hobby, consider keeping him company, but without feeling obliged to actively participate in what’s going on. Instead concentrate on just being together while you do something more interesting to you.
Another option is making game day a family activity by making “wagers” on who will win, then celebrate by ordering in or heading out for pizza and to celebrate. The bottom –lone say experts is working together to find a way to meet each other half way
Long Island Relationship Articles
Played Out: Dealing With A Man Who’s Into March Madness