What Are You Really Saying: Deciphering His Signs And Signals
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 Invalid topic. By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We all wish we could understand our mate a little better. Okay, for some perhaps a lot better. And, according to experts, while we may not be able to read our man’s mind and figure him out, we “can” read his body language and gauge what he’s thinking.
1. He reclines in his chair during what you consider an important conversation: While you may think this is his way of disengaging and showing his apathy and disinterest, if not his machismo, that’s not necessarily the case according to experts. In fact professionals assert that this is his way of asserting himself and showing you he is confident and comfortable in you asking for his opinion and is preparing to give you a “well-thought-out” solution. It really means he’s completely at ease.
2. He casually places his hands in his pockets: Your initial response may be that he’s being overtly cavalier and/or bashful and humble. But, it’s more likely he thinks he’s sending signals of being comfortable and playful or trying to look cute and endearing. However, according to experts, it’s merely his “instinctual” way of grabbing your attention and getting to focus on him as a man/sexual being.
3. He fidgets with his beer bottle or wine glass: It’s no wonder you think he’s nervous or has a limited attention span. In fact, even he notices that he tends to notice that this is his response when he’s a bit out of his element, “insecure”, or doesn’t know what to do with his hands. However, according to experts, this action is actually a good thing since it signals tactile stimulation. In fact, they suggest that while a little “off balance”, you’ve got his undaunted interest and attention.
4. He crosses his legs when he sits: While you may be questioning his interest in your (sexually) and his masculinity, he’s thinking that he’s signaling you that he’s intently listening, though he’s also likely thinking about the next opportunity he can take a more comfortable stance. However, according to experts, this particular position can mean a variety of different things, including the fact that he’s comfortable, but also blocking closeness or entrance to the body. Also, if you sit across from him and his legs are crossed, failing to uncross them after about five minutes, you may want to re-evaluate the nature of the relationship.
5. Makes contact with his face, for example, rubbing his chin when you are speaking: You’re likely thinking he’s pondering your every word, when if fact he’s focusing on an itchy chin or one that needs a shave. And, in some cases he may think you think he’s bored and disinterested. Professionals point out that this again, is a “good” sign. Your man is showing that he is very (sexually) interested in you and this touching, is signaling that he wishes you were touching him or he was touching you.
Long Island Relationship Articles
What Are You Really Saying: Deciphering His Signs And Signals