The Plus-Side Of Exercise: Don’t Let Your Weight Stop You From Exercising
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
While we all know unequivocally that exercise is good for us, most of us can find some sort of excuse on why we can’t find time for fitness. Ironically we only “need” between 20 to 40 minutes minimum per day. Still, some “excuses” are legitimate, and those, according to experts include medical issues and being overweight. In fact, both can make exercising uncomfortable leaving you with a plentitude of aches and pains. Still, barring major medical issues and extreme obesity, professionals point out that a few sore muscles and some “healthy” discomfort are no reason to believe that you can’t exercise safely. It’s actually a matter of regulating what you do and choosing activities that don’t further aggravate the sore spots.
This includes intense activity and routines that require jumping around. According to experts, health issues aside, jumping can be taxing on most of us, and more so on individuals who are overweight. With that said, they suggest activities such as walking, swimming, cycling or low-impact aerobics, all with your doctor’s “blessing” and clearance of course.
Keep in mind that many and more and more facilities are offering classes for those with special needs, including those who may need to take it slow and get back in shape.
These classes are typically designed with simpler choreography and a slower pace, and they are also great for all ages and beginners of all shapes and sizes.
Finally they add, that the human body function better when muscles are toned, so don’t be surprised if once you get moving and grooving, you may find that many of your previous aches and pains dissipate or completely abate.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
The Plus-Side Of Exercise: Don’t Let Your Weight Stop You From Exercising