Couple’s Savings:Easy Money Saving Tips for Couples
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
With the economy today, it’s true that everyone could use saving a dollar or two. It doesn’t matter how much you make, by the end of the month sometimes your bank account can look pretty scary. Relax and take a breather: saving a little extra money is easier than you think.
When it comes to that morning cup of joe, which you hold so dear, it may be time for you to say goodbye to your favorite barista and hello to your own coffee maker. I know that you need latte in the morning to LIVE (a little dramatic?). Think of the money you will save by not spending that $5 a morning, though. By brewing your own cup of coffee in the morning, you can keep an extra $100 a month in your wallet.
Now, let’s discuss our favorite night of the week, date night. I know that you look forward to date night all week long, but think about the money that you could save by making date night at home! Instead of going out to dinner, why don’t you cook together? Find a fancy, new, Italian recipe to try and cook it together. Buy a bottle of your favorite wine to share, and go to the library to pick up a couple of your favorite movies. Before you realize it, your date night in may be the most romantic date of your life.
I know that he has his favorite phone service and you have yours, but it may be time to bite the bullet and pick one or the other. Go through your old phone bills and decide who has had the lowest bills over time. Then get in contact with that service and inquire about getting a family plan. When going through your old bills, you will most likely find that the majority of your calls are to one another, and that most of your other minutes are wasted. Save the extra $100 and share those 450 minutes. Calling each other will be free, and you will waste less of your money on unused minutes.
Remember, no matter how much you love that extra ten minutes of sleep in the morning, having money left over at the end of the month feels even better. Get up a few minutes earlier and make your breakfast and lunch. Buying your lunch every day can cost at least $1300 a year. Instead, make your lunch, and save that money for more enjoyable expenses.
Lastly, if you stop at the ATM a couple times a week, and just forget to tell one another, your bank account is going to be at zero before you know it! Let each other know when funds are coming out of a shared account. That way you can make sure that you know exactly where your funds are at without any surprises.
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Couple’s Savings:Easy Money Saving Tips for Couples