Making Your Fitness Routine Excuse-Pro0of: Easy Ways To Stay “Excited” About Exercise
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
I don’t know about you, but there’s not much, other than unwinding, that I eagerly look forward to after a hard day’s work. And, as far as mornings are concerned, I already get up early enough. Then there’s always the debilitating heat and humidity and, of course, the somber and frigid atmosphere of the winter.
While we all rely on our alibis to buy us more time (away from the gym), experts note that extricating our lives from excuses for avoiding exercise, not only benefits our bodies, but our mental state, health, and approach to life overall.
Here are some of the most frequently used excuses to avoid:
1. Too weak and tired to work out: A little work lag never hurt anyone. In fact, experts say that when your tired is one of the main times you should consider working out. Research shows that a mere 10 minutes of almost “effortless” exercise, such as power walking can boost your spirit and increase energy levels for at much as two hours. Professionals recommend exercising in the morning. Not only does it get your metabolism off to a “running” start, but also they note, that early morning exercisers are more dedicated to their fitness routine. If your schedule only allows for after work, workouts, experts suggest indulging in a cup of coffee beforehand. The caffeine will bolster your energy and also improve your exercise performance.
2. Time Pressures: A good time to work out, according to experts, is mid-day and preferable during your lunch break. They note that afternoon exercise will not only free up your evenings for personal “pleasures”, but also will also increase your energy and aid in making you more productive on the job. And, according to recent studies, those who used time as an excuse were found to simply be making excuses. They in fact, did have the time for fitness but opted to not make it a priority.
3. Poor Attitude: Like the saying goes: “If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter” …and most people don’t seem to mind (a little or a lot of extra padding) and so, exercising doesn’t matter.
With women more savvy about the potential to achieve starlet figures with the help of Bob Greene and a live in cook and nutritionist, many have simply learned to love their love handles.
These defeatist feelings can hamper enthusiasm about exercising and the “inability” to achieve perhaps unattainable, unrealistic goals.
Professionals point out the need to shift your focus to maintaining and improving your health, as well as, finding out what you can (and can not) improve, then approaching your regimen from a different perspective. Applying this philosophy will give your more attainable goals, and seeing results will give you a better feeling about yourself and your accomplishments, even if you never ensure your “assets” for a few million dollars.
4. Bailing Out Because Of (Minor) Ailments: There’s no doubt that a common cold may mandate “sweating it out”, that doesn’t always or necessarily mean by bathing yourself in Vicks and staying in bed. Minor colds and illnesses can be effectively sweat out at the gym. Although there’s no conclusive proof that exercising will help, studies show that for those with mild maladies, it won’t hurt. So why not get in shape while working on getting better.
5. Healing Your Hurts: Sure an intense workout can leave your muscles “screaming” in pain, but that doesn’t mean you can’t engage in some light exercise. In fact experts agree that a light workout can actually help you heal faster. Lifting light weights can cause micro-tears in your muscles that mend and make muscles stronger. Additionally, it may increase blood flow, sustaining the muscles with oxygen and eliminating wastes.
6. Loss Of Enthusiasm: Exercise, like most things in life, can be invigorating and exciting in the beginning. But, once the novelty wears off, it’s difficult to stay motivated.
Professionals point out that while most people complain about complacency and routine, they are also comfortable with the familiar and stick with it, that’s why routines, and fitness progress get “boring”. If you feel your enthusiasm waning, experts suggest trying something new and different, and altering back and forth.
7. In A Nervous State Of Mind: While most people are inclined to use stress and distress as excuses NOT to exercise, quite the opposite should be true. Endorphins, which help elevate mood are released during physical activity and thus, helps reduce tension and frustration. In fact, research show that those who fastidiously exercise or engage in some kind of physical activity are less prone to chest or joint pain, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. Refocusing your attentions, exercise is more effective than meditation or hypnosis in promoting relaxation, lowering tension, and enhancing inner calmness for up to five hours.
8. Not In The Mood: Having a bad day? Experts assert that a bad mood can actually be enhanced and counteracted via exercise. Exercise cause a biochemical change in the body that helps elevate endorphins to areas of endorphins that control emotion and behavior.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
Making Your Fitness Routine Excuse-Pro0of: Easy Ways To Stay “Excited” About Exercise