Radon Detectors: Ensuring Your Home Isn’t A Health Hazard:
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
The ability to buy your very own home and give your family a safe place to grow in may have been a breath of fresh air, but according to recent research, it may be anything but. In fact, some studies show that you may be at risk for lung cancer based on the very foundation you are building your future upon.
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer deaths in the United States. This colorless, odorless gas emanates from tiny amounts of uranium found in materials such as soil, rocks, bricks and concrete.
Because of its potential effects, and the fact that one in every 15 American homes tests high for radon, it has gained new and renewed notoriety among the U.S. Surgeon General who issued a National Health Advisory on the dangers of radon.
Authorities assert that testing for radon should be conducted very two years and at any time prior to moving and/or remodeling. Tests can be obtained via the Ntional Safety Council at www.nsc.org/issues/radon. And, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), most radon concerns can be addressed via moderately prices venting techniques. For further information contact the EPA at www.epa.gov/radon or 800-SOS-RADON (800-767-7236)
Long Island Safety Articles
Radon Detectors: Ensuring Your Home Isn’t A Health Hazard: