A “Shot” In The Dark: Expectant Moms and The Swine Flue Vaccine Dilemma
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Pregnant women have lots and lots of important choices to make, some affecting them, other, the baby, and still others….both. Well, now ladies can add one more “worry” to the list. …whether to get the swine flu vaccine or not.
As per the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “expectant” women have 4 times the risk of non-pregnant women and the general population to be hospitalized for the H1Nq influenza virus this year, putting them at the top of the priority list for getting the vaccine.
Still this shot isn’t putting all “mom’s” fears to rest…as many moms-to-be have altered their life and lifestyle to and “extreme” degree omitting anything that can be potentially “harmful” or “distressing” to the baby, including medication, wine, caffeine, deli meats, soft cheeses and even some fish. So, being the first in line for a relatively knew vaccine we know very little about including potential side effects has moms skeptical and “scared”. But, everyone from healthcare practitioners to the Centers for Disease Control are “insisting” on it….and that is leaving many soon to be moms “confused” about what to do, and what the best option is.
Long Island Pregnancy Articles
A “Shot” In The Dark: Expectant Moms and The Swine Flue Vaccine Dilemma