Crash Test Smarties: Expectant Moms….Safety For You And Your Baby Is Only A Cick Away
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By Mia Bolaris-Forget
At first it seems almost like a dream and for most, life goes on as usual. Still, as the morning sickness sets in and the baby bump finally blooms, the reality is unavoidable. But, life as you once knew it does not have to end. In fact, within moderation expectant moms can continue to live and enjoy their life. In fact, from exercising to driving, they can do it all.
Still, when it comes to hitting the open road many moms-to-be may being wondering about how a safety belt is going to affect their unborn baby. And, lets face it, seat belts can be a bit uncomfortable to say the least.
Still, experts suggest that it’s not only one of the smartest ways to keep yourself safe, but also one of the best ways to protect your baby. In fact studies suggest that about 200 babies would be saves if expected moms used their seat belts. It goes on to reveal that at a crash speed of 20 miles per hour, the fatality risk for an unborn child or other serious conditions and complication was about 12 percent for unborn babies whose mom wore a belt, while that number jumped to 70 percent for moms that were not belted in. In addition, studies suggested that across the crash severity board, looking at accidents that occurred at 1 mile per hour to 40 miles per hour, seatbelt saved the lives of about 84 percent of unborn babies.
For maximum protection and safety experts suggest wearing your seatbelt just below the belly button so that it sits below the bump, keeping the shoulder harness off to the side of the bump, between breasts and over the center of the collarbone. Ladies who have outgrown the standard belt, finding it no longer fits around their middle, can, or rather should invest in a seatbelt extender. In addition experts suggest keeping airbags active at all times. They note that since most are located closer to the chest and face, they pose little or no “threat” to the baby and help protect drivers and passengers from hitting the steering wheel or dashboard in case of a crash.
Long Island Safety Articles
Crash Test Smarties: Expectant Moms….Safety For You And Your Baby Is Only A Cick Away