Early Detection Saves Lives: Experts Say Promising Metabolic Testing Can Show Which Mom's To Be Are At Risk For Preeclampsia.
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By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Any woman who has been pregnant is familiar with the term preeclampsia. And, most ladies trying to conceive have heard of the condition or likely soon will.
The condition translates into spontaneous, sometimes dangerous fluctuations (spikes) in blood pressure during pregnancy...and that can be scary.
The good news is that now scientists say they've come up with a high-tech way to predict the women most at risk well before they even experience their first symptom.
This new monitoring method is based on "metabolic profiling a system designed to track specific metabolites present in the plasma, noting key chances that can be essential indicators for the condition.
Overall there are said to be 14 such metabolite targets that were classified and identified for monitoring primarily during the early stages of pregnancy.
And, while additional research IS necessary, researchers emphasize that at least one panel of biomarkers can serve as an accurate guideline to help predict which moms to be are at risk.
According to the experts women are not likely to develop the condition until late in the pregnancy, but they stress that it starts to develop in the early stages of pregnancy and detecting it is key.
The potentially life-threatening condition is often characterized by high blood pressure in addition to high levels of protein present in the mother's urine.
Furthermore, the condition affect about 5% of pregnancies and is one of the leading causes of seizures and other life-threatening complications. Currently, the only known "cure" is delivery...and because of the seriousness of the condition and the risk to the mom, some such babies are delivered early. And, it is this premature delivery that can lead to substantial morbidity and mortality risks for the fetus.
The condition not fully understood (yet) seems to stem from a defect in the development of the placenta that happens in the early stages of pregnancy but isn't detectable until the later stages of pregnancy. Making early predictions say experts can help both mother and child, but the "trick" is finding viable and valuable screening tools.
Long Island Pregnancy Articles
Early Detection Saves Lives: Experts Say Promising Metabolic Testing Can Show Which Mom's To Be Are At Risk For Preeclampsia.