Fall Forward Into Autumn Produce
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
As the seasons change so, too, do the most fresh and readily available produce on the market. When the leaves start to change and the temperatures begin to drop, fresh new fall goodies start making their way to your local markets and hopefully to your pantry, as well.
With all sorts of new varieties on the shelves, and many even available for self-picking, apples are one of the most popular picks in the fall produce line-up. They are full of antioxidants that help reduce the risk of heart disease, control blood glucose levels, and counteract inflammation. Perfect for a fresh snack during work, an afterschool treat, or a healthy addition to any meal or salad, apples are a smart addition to your list to keep stocked in the fridge at all times.
Move over, Charlie Brown, those pumpkins aren’t just for carving. Full of vitamin A, pumpkin is an unexpectedly tasty fall vegetable to include in your baked goods, side dishes, and soups. For an added snack that the whole family will love, remember to keep the seeds for roasting with a little salt and/or spices.
Another sweet fall treat is the fig. Rich in potassium and dietary fiber, fresh or dried figs help you improve your heart health while also helping you lower/maintain low blood pressure. Cut up fresh figs to include in your salads or bake in your breads. Slice them up to put in your oatmeal/cereal or to roast with your meats to add a hint of sweetness to any meal.
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Fall Forward Into Autumn Produce