All Abroad: Fashion Sense When Traveling Abroad
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Traveling abroad is something most people look forward to. After all, where else can you see so much history, culture, and beauty all melted so uniquely into one. But, when leaving your home and your routine and comfort zone, you may want to learn a bit more about not only the place your visiting but what’s available in the way of your daily beauty routing.
Dominican Republic: The Spanish, especially those in the Dominican Republic are artists at hair care, especially when it comes to a wash, blow dry and style.
France: While the French are know to have always been ahead of us in style and “etiquette”, they are not necessarily as savvy about protective themselves against the harmful rays of the sun. In fact, most sunscreens in France have low SPF, so either ask for haute protections (high protection) or be sure to bring your own.
Brazil: These folks are well suited to show off their assets, gaining notoriety as the international headquarters of the thong (bikini, that is).
Finland:/b> Rarely do these folks get a day in the sun. So, expect long, dark cold days and nights, especially in winter, so here sunscreen isn’t a “necessity” but bottled “bronzer” is.
Australia: Though it may sound a lot like English (with a twist) you may want to brush up on the local lingo or colloquialisms before your go. In the land Down Under, sunglasses are “sunnies”, breakfast “brekkie”, and lipstick “lippy”.
Italy: These curvy exotic femme-fatals are known for their chic sense of style and a look immortalized by Sophia Loren. So, when stepping out on the town, the one accessory you don’t want to step out without is your sguardo fume (smokey eye)…and you can achieve it by asking for ombretto grigio scuro (dark grey shadow).
Long Island Travel & Leisure Articles
All Abroad: Fashion Sense When Traveling Abroad