Fire Protection
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Fire protection on the job
Fires are costly. Each year they take many lives, cause workers and their families to suffer, and cost many millions of dollars in damage.
Fire control is everybody's business. You can do your part by observing and complying with fire prevention rules. If you notice a hazard or condition that could cause a fire, report it to your supervisor.
Fire protection at home
* A smoke alarm is your first line of defense. During Fire Prevention Week, make it a point to install fresh batteries. Then check to see if it's working by pushing the safety test button.
* Many homes should have two or more smoke alarms, including one outside of every sleeping area.
* Change your flashlight batteries. Keep a working flashlight near your bed, in the kitchen, basement, and family room. They are convenient if power goes out and can be used to signal for help in the event of a fire.
* Install a fire extinguisher near your kitchen and know how to use it. Buy a multi purpose fire extinguisher.
* Plan and practice your escape. Create at least two different escape routes and practice them with your family.
More than 1.7 million fires strike American homes and businesses each year, according to the National Fire Protection Association.
Long Island Safety Articles
Fire Protection