Fabulous Fare:Foods that help you to keep your figure
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
Many times people try to eat healthy, but still having trouble with their weight. Maybe it is not the amount of food that they’re eating, but rather their choices. We all know what foods are the healthiest for us and what we should generally stay away from. There are some foods, however, that go a step farther and even help us manage our weight as we eat them. No, I’m not talking about crazy, unusual items that you will have to search for. This list is of foods that should be easily found in any supermarket.
1. Steak. Although red meat has long been stigmatized as horrible for you, lean cuts of beef and steaks are now believed to aid a dieter to lose weight more steadily. It also retains muscle mass as fat burns away.
2. Eggs. Again, eggs have had a bad reputation for years. Researchers and doctors now believe that an egg a day is not only safe for cholesterol levels, but will facilitate weight stability. An egg with toast in the morning is a filling alternative to the usual bagel or cornflakes. Egg protein is filling. Those who choose an egg in the morning will be full longer and less likely to snack during the day.
3. Lentils. Lentils are a sure fire weight loss tool. They are high in protein and soluble fiber. Together they assist in keeping your insulin levels down, stopping your body from creating fat deposits. Their fiber and protein also fill you up quickly.
4. Wild Salmon. Fish is a heart healthy choice, which also helps to build strong muscles and increase insulin sensitivity in your body. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. Wild salmon, as a choice, is less likely to have pollutants than many other fish.
5. Apples. They are a good source of fiber and antioxidants. They can fill you up and stop additional snacking.
6. Buckwheat Pasta. Replace your usual carb-choice with these filling noodles. They are high is fiber and, unlike most carbohydrates, contain protein. It’ll be very difficult to overeat because they will fill you up quick with better quality ingredients.
7. Blueberries. Although all berries are good for you, blueberries are especially teeming with antioxidants and fiber. Fiber can actually stop some fats from being absorbed. They latch onto fats and guide them, whole, out of the body.
8. Yogurt. Plain yogurt is considered to be an almost perfect food. With carbs, protein, and fat it fights off hunger and keeps blood sugar levels balanced. Greek yogurt is even better than regular because it contains considerably more protein, and less lactose for those who are lactose sensitive.
9. Sardines. Sardines are a miracle fish, loaded with protein, omega 3s, and calcium. They are low in mercury too, so they are a safe treat. Sardines build muscle mass. They can be used in place of anchovies, or soaked in milk to remove their fishy flavor.
10. Parmesan. People who have one serving of whole-milk products a day are more likely to keep weight at bay over time, without even trying. Parmesan is a flavorful choice, which will make it easy to stick to one serving.
11. Avocado. Most dieters fear the avocado because of its high fat content. The truth is that the monounsaturated fat which they contain is heart healthy and filling. Including half an avocado in you meals will make you full faster.
12. Black beans. A cup of black beans contains 15 grams of protein without any saturated fat. They are a great, filling protein choice that will curb your appetite and slim your waist.
13. Dark Chocolate. Yes, I said chocolate! Adding small pieces of dark chocolate to your regular diet actually slows down digestion, keeping you full for longer.
14. Grapefruit. Grapefruits are great weight loss assistants because they are 90% water and help to control insulin levels in your body.
Long Island Weightloss Articles
Fabulous Fare:Foods that help you to keep your figure