Cold Busters: Foods That May “Cure” The Common Cold
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
With temperatures continually dipping, and even snow being predicted, most of us, may find ourselves feeling a bit under the weather or at least worried about getting sick.
But, when it comes to seasonal colds the best medicine, according to some, is the preventative kind. And, when it comes to “cold-free”, they recommend a daily dose of the following:
A “Germ-Busting” Breakfast:
· Start your day with citrus: Experts recommend an orange or a grapefruit, both awesome sources of essential vitamin-C, which just may help build immunity even if you “do” catch cold, helping to shorten its duration.
· Give yourself your daily bread: Whole grains found in whole grain cereals or breads offer lots of healthy vitamins and minerals including vitamin E and zinc. And, these can help your body build its cold-fighting properties by helping boost your immune system.
· Pour yourself a cup of tea: According to experts, black tea leaves, (but not herbal teas) contain a substance that give your cilia a boost, helping them get rid of germs lining your nasal passages.
Mid-Day Delights:
· Yummy Yogurt: Delight in staying healthy by keeping your immune system healthy with a pre-lunch yogurt snack. Look for varieties containing beneficial bacteria. One cup of yogurt or kefir with live active cultures should do the “trick”.
“Uplifting” Lunches:
· Friendly Foul: Pour yourself a healthy bowl of chicken soup including a healthy helping of veggies such as onions, parsnips, and carrots. For even more protection add a clove or two of fresh garlic.
· “Sweet” Remedies: Anise seed cookies, made from anise, the herb with the licorice-like flavour are said to help ease congestion.
Strength Boosting Suppers:
· Better Bitters Mix bitter greens in with your salad, including watercress and arugula. These “bitters” are said to have an antiviral effect and help relieve chest congestion, sniffles and coughs.
· Pass the pasta: With plenty of tomato sauce and garlic. Tomatoes are known to have many beneficial properties when cooked and garlic is taughted as being one of the most potent disease-fighting foods, with experts recommending at least two servings each day.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
Cold Busters: Foods That May “Cure” The Common Cold