Pet Luck: Foods To Avoid Feeding Your Pet
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
For those of us who have pets, or at least “a” pet, we know they can become a part of the family. And, from making sure they don’t miss a “doctor’s” appointment to making sure they get plenty of rest, attention and exercise, pet owners often have the same concerns about their cat or dog as they do for other members of the family.
So, it stands to reason that also means making sure your pooch or kitty maintains a balanced and healthy diet. And, that may even, on occasion, include some home-cooked table scraps. But, experts suggest proceeding and feeding with caution, specially since some good for you human foods may potentially harmful to your pet.
Here are just a few to say “no” to.
· Puppy Hour: Alcoholic beverages, even if only contained in cakes etc can result in illness, coma and sometimes death.
· Coffee and Dessert: Chocolate tea, coffee and other “treats” containing caffeine can be hazardous causing damage to the heart and nervous system.
· Grapes of Wrath: Grapes and raisins contain an unspecified toxin that can result in kidney damage.
· Chewing the Fat: Feeding felines and canines foods containing fat and fat trimmings can take a toll on the pancreas and result in vomiting, digestive problems and fever.
· Dairy News: While most of us would be inclined to think that milk and dairy products would be okay, experts suggest that they many cause diarrhea and stomach issues since it’s common for adult cats and dogs to be lactose intolerant.
· Septic Sulfoxides: Foods such as onions and garlic, rich in sulfoxides and disulfides can take a toll on red blood cells resulting in anemia.
· Unfavourable Fungus: Mushrooms may have MANY health benefits for humans, but when it comes to pets, mushrooms are know for carrying certain toxins that can cause damage to many systems in the body, result and shock and potentially death.
· Dough Do Nots: Raw yeast dough may result in stomach and intestine gas, leading to pain and possible rupture.
· Both potatoes and rhubard are said to have a negative affect on the digestive, nervous and urinary systems.
· Raw Nutrition: Foods such as raw eggs contain an enzyme that diminishes the absorption of B vitamins and may lead to skin and hair loss issues.
Long Island Pets Articles
Pet Luck: Foods To Avoid Feeding Your Pet