Sexy Servings: Foods To Keep You In The Mood
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 You must be a logged in user to report a bad post! By mia bolaris-forget
Most people want their married life to be as exciting and passionate as their dating life. Even those who “hold off” want what they’ve heard about, read about, dreamt about and have been ever so patiently waiting for. But, the reality is that there’s perhaps a not-so-fine line between fantasy and reality. Let’s face it, unless you live or lived together the only person you have to worry about and be responsible for during courtship is (pretty much) you. But, that all changes one you add another person, persons and family to the equation. And, for many that may mean a sexual spark that barely flickering rather than raging. The other potential problem according to experts is that we’re likely a “bit older” as we take that walk down the aisle, and our old habits may be catching up to us. Late nights, drinking and partying, once the precursor for sex, are now a prelude to sleep. And, the other offender may be our food. That’s right; The North American diet is sinister for sabotaging our sex lives primarily by leaving us lethargic and sluggish. In fact, according to statistics, the average American participated in sex 138 times a year back in 1996, a total that has dropped to only 85 times a year in 2007. And, that means that 1 in 5 couples have a sexless marriage, which for many is a lot like not having a marriage at all. The good news, is that you truly are what you eat, and you “can” ref your engine with the right fuel. In addition to getting more exercise (besides the sexercise you may be longing for) experts suggest shedding your sexual “inhibitions” and “lack of energy and desire” by starting to shed the bad foods from you diet and the pounds from around your buttocks and waist. They recommend eating foods that are filling but low in calories spurring weight loss and sparking sexual attraction and performance.
Among their flavourful favourites they suggest power smoothies for both men and women containing plenty of soluble fiber and antioxidants; the former which helps direct cholesterol through the digestive system before it’s broken down and absorbed into the walls of your arteries, and the latter, bombarding free radicals before they have the chance to deplete your nitric oxide levels, which is necessary for ample blood flow.
Ladies can also benefit from caffeine and a hint of chocolate, which help boost energy and enhance your mood. In addition, chocolate features a variety of feel-good chemicals including anadamine that targets the same receptors as THC and phenylethylamine that give you that cozy feeling “all over” while calcium, contained in these sensational smoothies also helps with blood flow.
Sensational cinnamon: Whether it’s cinnamon added to hot oatmeal or cinnamon bun, this spice can spice up your sex life, as men tend to respond to this fragrance favourable, relaxing him and making him more aware of his sexual desires and cues.
Have an egg-ceptional breakfast: A simple bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich can do more than rev up your engine for your morning drive. This classic combo offers extra zinc, which helps guys to keep producing sperm; as well as niacin, a B vitamin that’s responsible for the release of histamine, the chemical that causes intense sneezing and orgasm. In addition, it’s a perfectly balanced meal that gives you just the right amount of fat, and you “do” need some (healthy) fat to keep sex levels peaked.
Sexy snacking: Consider some celery topped with peanut butter and raisins. According to nutrition experts, celery is full of androstenone and androstenol, to phereomones that drive the ladies crazy, making you more desirable to your woman, or woman in general.
Peanut butter packed with monounsaturated fat, helps maintain higher testosterone levels. And, nuts are a great source of arginine, an amino acid that enhances blood flow throughout the ENTIRE body.
Last, but not least, raisins are full of lignans and phytoestrogens that help balance hormones in ladies. And, they are also packed with antioxidants, the kind that bolsters blood flow down below.
Finally, ladies should consider sipping on cranberry juice, instead of wine, if they want to get amorous. This pungent and piquant pick of a drink can help ward off urinary tract infections, quite common among females and keep them feeling sexy and keep their sex life active.
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Sexy Servings: Foods To Keep You In The Mood