Sexy Menu: Foods To Put You In “The Mood”
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
If you’re like many of the couples I know, while you “may” look forward to a special day specifically set aside you that your and your beloved make sure you let each other know just how you feel, you “may not” understand why love and romance has been relegated to one day or one month.
Then again, if you’re like most of us, you barely have time for a quick kiss and a “have a nice day” as you’re each running out the door. And, if you’re like the parents in my circle of constituents, you’re terms of endearment and affection are reserved for the kids. Still, keeping love alive is imperative to keeping the relationship alive and setting an GREAT example for kids who someday plan on picking up the baton. With that said, love and romance should be a daily “exercise” like physical activity and eating. And speaking of eating, certain foods can help pump up the volume on your otherwise lacking libido.
· Strawberries: The robust red berries have been associated with sex every since most of us can remember. But, what makes them even “sexier” is that besides being sweet, they are full of antioxidants and boost all-over circulation, which can be great for your health and the health of your love life.
· Eggs: No matter how you prepare them, they can help you keep a sunny-side up disposition on pleasure. Full of B6, a hormone that balances out your body and helps regulate stress, it can free you mind for romance and love-making. Combine it with a host of other B6 rich foods (such as spinach, peas, carrots, sunflower seeds, wheat germ or fish) and egg-spect to have an egg-ceptional relationship
· Steak: This mean known to be a cut above in taste can temp more than your taste buds. Help curtail the body’s production of prolactin, a hormone that if can curb your libido if you have too much of it. Vegans and Vegetarians can get similar benefits from brown rice, whole grains (including breads), dark leafy green vegetables, and crumbly cheeses.
· Garlic: Raw or cooked, it can wreak havoc on your pucker power, but it can work wonders on your sex drive. Garlic helps dialate blood vessels and improve circulation, especially in areas where it’s essential for intimacy and romance.
· Dark Chocolate: Not all chocolate is bad for you and now you have a good reason to give it to your sweetheart. Packed with methylxanthine, this cocoa confection helps release dopamine into the body and give you feelings of euphoria often associated with love and romance that can lead to greater pleasures.
· Oranges: The vitamin-C packed fruit bolsters levels of oxytocin which enourages the body to seek bonding, mostly via cuddling….and that’s just the beginning, you C.
· Oatmeal: Little did grandma know when she encouraged you to eat this heart-healthy, cholesterol-lowering, filling food for breakfast, that it helps boost testosterone levels, readying you for a morning romp before officially starting your day.
· Ginger: This pungent condiment can be eaten alone, in foods or taken in tea, helping boost your metabolism and giving you the energy you need for intimacy, even after a grueling day or week.
· Walnuts: Packed with healthy fatty acids, known to be major components of sex hormones make a great snack or added crunch to salads, desserts, etc.
· Honey: This naturally sweet alternative to sugar is bull of boron, a mineral that can build your body’s supply of the sex-enhancing hormone testosterone.
Long Island Relationship Articles
Sexy Menu: Foods To Put You In “The Mood”