Holding It Together: Fundamental Factors Affecting The Success Of Your Marriage
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Every bride/couple wants their magical day to last forever, they also want the romance and the passion to last forever, but most importantly they want their vows and their union to last forever.
And, according to experts besides fidelity and respect, there’s one surefire way to ensure marital bliss and longevity. The key lies in how you argue. That’s right, couples who have mastered the art of debate and disagreement can almost guarantee and long and happy, harmonious marriage.
Remember, note experts, no two people are perfect and neither is any union. There WILL be dissention and disagreements, which battles you choose, and how you choose to fight them can make or break you.
It is imperative note professionals that couples learn to express frustration, anger, disappointment and disagreement without negative overtones or undertones and without attacking the other individual or hurting his or her feelings. And, they must listen (to each other), and approach each other with love, honesty, compassion, and respect.
However, they point out that there’s good news even for couples whose relationship may seem “doomed”. Like any other “skill, communication and conflict resolution can be taught and can be learned.
Long Island Relationship Articles
Holding It Together: Fundamental Factors Affecting The Success Of Your Marriage