Getting A Loan With Your Partner Understanding Mortagages And Rates
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
So, you’re interested in taking out a loan. Congratulations! But remember, making a well-calculated decision depends on knowing and understanding the various rates and how to calculate each.
Standard Variable: Though the most widely used by borrowers, the standard rate is, as implied variable. It fluctuates according to some pre-determined base index (ie: treasury notes). If you have a fixed rate or other low rate loan, chances are you’ll be switched over to a standard variable once your introductory rate comes to an end.
Benefits: · Simplicity · Benefits due to falling interest rates benefit from interest rate falls. · Generally penalty-free should you decide to switch
Limitations: · Other lower rates may be available. · Inability to forecast the market may challenge your ability to plan ahead. · Increased interest rates, generally mean increased payments
Fixed Rate: With this type of mortgage you are “locked in” to paying a fixed rate for a designated amount of time, usually between one and five years.
Benefits: · Knowing exactly how much is due and when. · Remaining “unaffected” by rising rates
Limitations: · Deriving no benefit from falling rates. · Penalty associated with switching policy terms and conditions · A risk of increased rates once you’ve satisfied the fixed rate portion of your loan.
Tracker Rate: Keeps track of “the market”. Your payment varies with the fluctuation in bank rates. Additionally, your fee generally reflects a set percentage above the base rate (about ½ percent) for either a specific amount of time or for the full term of the loan.
Benefits: · Direct savings from falling interest rates. The only exception: if your tracker mortgage had a predetermined minimum interest rate that the base rate fell below. · A set amount that your payment could not exceed.
Limitations: · A substantial and direct increase in dues related to increased interest rates. · Potential penalty associated with policy changes. · Cheaper rates offered by other types of mortgages
Discounted Rate: A lower than average interest rate. Generally, this rate offers a small percentage off the lender’s standard variable rate for a given amount of time. A change in the standard variable rate changes also means a change in the discounted rate.
Benefits: · Lower (than average) interest rates · Direct (financial) benefit from falling interest rates.
Limitations: · Substantial increase in monthly payments after the end of the discount period. · Penalties associated with policy adjustments. · Short lived discounts · If interest rates rise, so does the discounted payment.
Capped: Prevents rates from rising past a certain level, usually for one or two years.
Benefits: · Benefits despite rising or falling rates · Peace of mind in knowing that your payments will not exceed a pre-budgeted amount.
Limitations: · Initial rates that are higher than the cheapest fixed and discounted rates. · Penalty for switching to another mortgage before the capped rate ends, and sometimes for a set period after · A significant increase in payment once your cap period ends. · Short term cap term
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Getting A Loan With Your Partner Understanding Mortagages And Rates