Baby Steps: Getting Healthy And Fit One Small Step At A Time
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
One of the most difficult resolutions or routines to stick to is keeping fit. In fact, while we “always” find time for TV or a good, hearty (often not so heart-healthy) meal, we frequently fail to fit fitness into our schedule.
But according to fitness experts, staying in shape is relatively “simple” and is as “easy” as modifying what we do (on a daily basis) and how we do it. In fact, many agree with my mom, who says, “Thank God for housework”. In fact experts assert that “simple” tasks” can not only help us stay able-bodies and appealing, they can help us stick to our “routine” and avoid “fitness failure”, improving our body, mind, perception, disposition, and even our attitude (toward exercise).
It’s also important to remember, that while rigorous routines may be recommended, when it comes to health and fitness, we need to remember that we are not making “just” a yearly or monthly commitment to a gym, trainer, or diet plan, we are making a life long commitment to ourselves, and little things often mean and amount to A LOT.
Here are just a few small changes that you can implement guaranteed to change the way you feel and look and how the world looks and feels about you.
1. Take a step, or rather several in the right direction. Park farther and farther away from the door (within reason) when going to the store or mall, and hoof it to and from the entrance.
2. Whether you are at home, visiting or out (and about), use the bathroom on another floor, forcing yourself to use the stairs to get there.
3. Walk whenever and wherever you can. If you have the choice of driving or walking (to a nearby destination), walk. And, always choose to choose stairs over the elevator or escalator. If you do take the escalator, walk up while it’s in motion.
4. Steer clear of drive-throughs. Instead experts suggest parking and walking in.
5. Be a “social butterfly”. Instead of intercoming someone at your office or at home, choose instead to get up, walk over, and deliver the message in person. The same option applies for emails, etc. Move around as much as possible, whenever possible.
6. Get comfortable with manual labor. Wash and wax your car in your driveway, by hand. Mow your own lawn, shovel your own snow, and/or change the channel (on your radio or television) manually instead of using the remote.
7. Do five minutes of calisthenics each day/morning.
8. Walk the dog (a few times a day if possible). If you don’t have a pet, go for a walk regardless.
9. Engage in some form of physical activity daily. From bending and stretching to clean the house, to dancing or walking to the store or to the curb to take out the trash, make sure to engage and move those muscles.
Implement these small changes a little at a time, until they become a normal part of your daily decisions and routine. Once you are comfortable with the “minor” changes, you’ll be more comfortable with the idea of some more “major” ones (such as maybe taking up Karate or going skiing). And always remember success doesn’t come easy, but it sure feels good.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
Baby Steps: Getting Healthy And Fit One Small Step At A Time