The Health Marathon: Getting Healthy One Step At a Time
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
We’re always looking for a new way to lose a little weight, get a little healthier, and to feel a little bit better about ourselves. Too often we end up assuming that the only way to lose the weight and get healthier is to take drastic steps or to go to the extreme; usually following crazy, low calorie diets or unusual workout regiments. In reality there are many simple steps that can be taken to better our health and body weight over time, creating new habits towards a happier, healthier life, rather than short-term fixes.
With that in mind, all you need to do is figure out the simple, baby steps towards a healthier life that will work for you. Here are a couple steps that we found as an easy starting point:
Work on incorporating more movement into your life. If you have a desk job, see about upgrading to a standing desk or see if your current desk has a higher positioning to allow for standing. When you take your lunch make sure not to eat at your desk: not only will this incorporate movement into your routine, but studies show that you eat less and recognize that you’re full more quickly when you’re attention isn’t distracted away from your meal. Take the stairs instead of the elevator and park at the far end of the parking lot.
Focus on your water intake. It’s hard to believe that as evolved as humans are, we still can’t tell the difference between thirsty and hungry. Whenever you think of it, take an extra drink of water. Keep a bottle at your desk, in your purse, and in your car to remind you to drink whenever you see it. Increasing your water replenishes your body, improving your skin quality and immune system defense. Drinking water before and with a meal also helps you fill up fast on less food.
Really think before you eat. Although we’re all guilty of occasionally grabbing that fast-food solution, one of the best ways to improve your lifestyle is going to be to cut out the pre-made, quick and easy. By trying to make the majority of your own food, not only do you know what goes into it, but you’re also more apt to follow proper portions. Also, in helping with your water intake, try to focus on water-filled foods. Increase your broth-based soup, salad, watermelon, and cucumber intake. You’ll fill up faster while also cutting down on some of the calories.
Long Island Weightloss Articles
The Health Marathon: Getting Healthy One Step At a Time