Can You Hear Me Now: Getting Heard At The Office
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 You must be a logged in user to report a bad post! By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We’ve all heard that it’s a “dog eat dog” world, but we’ve also been warned about stepping on too many toes on the way up. Then again, we’ve come to learn that “the squeaky wheel gets oiled”. Yet, all too often we need to be cautious about what we say and how and we want to be sure that our words (of wisdom) are actually heard. Remember, when it comes to business you want to be the type of person that when you speak your “audience” is are taking it all in and listening.
1. Analyze and Evaluate Your Audience: Keep in mind that people focus on things they are interested in. So, it’s your job to find ways to relate with the group. Plan well in advance and know exactly how to motivate your group and make sure you can clearly state the reason they are there.
You’ll also want to choose the best time slot noting that the early morning may leave your audience hungry and grumpy while late afternoon may have them itching to go home. Think instead about a time that make sense for everyone involved.
2. Find Common Ground: Familiarize yourself with your audience, their generation, education, etc Then learn all you can about relating to them on their terms. And, keep in mind that generally speaking, all you have is about a minute and a half to “reel them in. And, regardless of age group and formality, or lack thereof, you’ll ant to be personal, personable an bond with your audience..
3. Find Your Style: Make changes well in advance and remember to set up a scenario that will be comfortable for you and them and that you can all identify with.
4. Lend An Ear: While you may be the guest speaker, you also need to learn how to listen. After all, listening opens the door and the floor for a positive exchange of ideas. And, even if you disagree, do not interrupt but listen carefully, taking notes. Finally, suspend judgement until you’ve heard everyone’s (entire) stance or point.
5. Show Support: Regardless of how competitive your environment can be, try to keep it pleasant and professional. Show support for others to help them build their confidence without feeling threatened. And, being secure in yourself may do wonders for you career and position.
6. Disagree Diplomatically: And gracefully. Your objective should never be to hurt someone else’s feelings or make enemies. However, if there is something you don’t like or agree with, voice your opinion without attacking the individual. Remember, solutions tend to be stronger if they get past group scrutiny. And, remember to cite specific reasons when explaining your position and why you may be disputing popular opinion.
Communication Breakdown: 4 common mistakes professionals make:
1. Seeing things only from your own point of view: Experts suggest taking time essential sorting your thoughts out and also time enough to ponder what was contributed
2. Making presumptions: Don’t assume that others know what happened or was discussed at the previous meeting. Fill people in before you begin.
3. Being disorganized in your presentation: Experts suggest that human require order, logic and chronology, so make your points accordingly.
4. Keeping track of time: Take note of when the proper time to make your point is. Remember, grabbing someone who is late for a meeting is not an example of the best timing.
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Can You Hear Me Now: Getting Heard At The Office