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Taking The High Road: Getting More Miles To The Gallon

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By Mia Bolaris-Forget

It’s no secret that the rise in gas prices have made the friendly skies, a lot less friendly. And, despite soaring prices at the pump, the open road still calls our name as vacation season begins. In fact, some suggest that the “scenic” route may even be much more enjoyable, as long as your road trip doesn’t have you going for broke.

Here are a few suggestions for taking the high road without breaking the bank

· Clear out clutter. Extra weight will weigh you down so, get rid of weighty objects you don’t use or need and give your care more miles to the gallon and some extra speed.

· Get rid of un-necessary extras such as luggage or bike racks, especially if you don’t plan on using them.

· Get the facts on your fuel and oil. Make sure you’re using the right grade of oil with the proper viscosity. Keep in mind that a thinner, lower-viscosity oil needs less power to pump around the engine and will help save fuel.

· Note that oil that’s rated Energy Conserving has been through tests that offer greater economical gain.

· Do maintenance checks. This is especially important if you don’t see the kid of mileage you like. Start by checking the engine or by investing or borrowing a scan tool and learning about all those “key” trouble codes and engine parameters. Once you understand what your car is telling you, some simple and relatively minor adjustments may just give you some extra miles and performance endurance.

· Lighten up on the lead. Getting more miles to the gallon often means lifting your foot slightly off the gas pedal and driving moderately and in anticipation of traffic.

Long Island Other Articles > Taking The High Road: Getting More Miles To The Gallon

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