Balancing Acts: Good For You Food Fixes For When You Make “Bad” Choices
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By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We all have our guilty pleasures especially when it comes to food. And, they are the nemesis to our diets and our healthy lifestyle.
Still, most, even the experts will agree that a little treat won’t necessarily sabotage your health, your weight, or your hard work that you’ve poured into your workout routine.
Yet, an “active” and “healthy” social life just might. After all chances are friends are putting out those chips, dips and decadent delights. Plus, you’re probably eating out more and those deliberately delicious drinks and desserts are almost impossible to resist.
Well, now experts suggest that you just may be able to have your cake and eat it too. In fact, some suggest that certain foods can counteract the “damage” you’ve done by “indulging”, helping you get back on track by wiping the slate clean.
· Foods high in potassium say experts help “repair” the damage done by salt. They are also rich in fiber and great for great looking skin. Tomatoes say the pros are another delicious alternative for counteracting the effects of salt.
· High protein foods and those containing good fats should precede sugary treats. According to experts foods like salmon and almonds can actually help reduce the release rate of sugars into the body and you’ll prevent experiencing the roller coaster effect. Plus, the oils from salmon are excellent for your heart while nutrients found in almonds are excellent for building your brain and your bones.
· Fiber-filled foods can help “cut” the grease, or at least digest it more easily. The experts point out that while pizza may be high on the preferred “junk food” scale, it is still loaded with dairy products that can take a toll on your cholesterol, especially if eaten often enough. And, it can contribute to clogging your intestinal track. Neutralize its effects by including foods high in fiber such as black beans to keep your intestinal track fit and clean.
· Never drink “alone”. Instead, add food to the mix. This will help slow down alcohol absorption, while also reducing your alcohol cravings, especially if you take in more protein.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
Balancing Acts: Good For You Food Fixes For When You Make “Bad” Choices