Hot Date Night: Great Ideas For Great Dates With Your Mate
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 By mia bolaris-forget
Remember how much we enjoyed and looked forward to dating? That’s because every date, even with a steady mate, was a new, interesting and exciting adventure, not one fraught with “must-be-back bys”, or “must-do-insteads”. And, dating remains a crucial part of EVERY successful and passionate relationship. In fact, you should ideally strive for a “date” night with the entire family, and one that focuses on just the two of you. And, while stepping out (especially in style, and if it’s something you haven’t done in a while) can be quite gratifying, some alone time at home can be quite spicy too.
· Good “clean” fun: Run a bubble bath and serve up his and your favourite beverages. Sit and soak together simply enjoying each other’s company, conversations and indulging each other in some playful pampering.
· Pump up the volume: Whether you head out to your favourite “hotspot” or turn up some of your favourite tunes at home, rev your adrenaline, by shaking your booties.
· Indulge your sweet side: Bring home some exotic and “rare” chocolate treats the help sweeten up the evening.
· Make some minor transformations: Don’t save romance for the bedroom. Instead transform your den or living area into a romantic getaway but turning on the fireplace and throwing a few blankets or comforters on the floor and adding some ambiance with mood music, lighting, candles, flowers, etc.
· Tap into your flirtatious side: Just because you’ve said “I Do” doesn’t mean you don’t flirt anymore. In fact, experts suggesting tapping into your seduction skills at dinner, including playing footsies with your mate under the table.
· Beachy ideas: from a late-night picnic on the beach, to an evening under the stars on your boat, or some secretive skinny dipping, you’re sure to make a splash in your romantic relationship.
· Plan for a Spa-tacular evening: From treating your sweetie to a professional massage to turning your special space into a home-spa, pampering each other can help you unwind and set the mood for a VERY relaxed yet “intense” evening.
· Take a dip: Serve up some delicious fun with a romantic fondue “dinner” that promises to be a deliciously decadent good time.
· Take a trip “back” in time: Revisit the past by setting up a date night at the location where you first met (if possible). And, try to relive the experience as closely as possible. Even if it seems “silly”, it promises to be a great trip down memory lane, and lots and lots of fun.
· Try out some “sexy” foods: From chocolates (which we mentioned before) to some raw oysters on the half shell (from a reputable restaurant), give you passion a boost with these classic aphrodisiacs.
· Dress for success: If you go OUT, slip into something sexy and sophisticated and if you stay home, consider something slinky and sultry.
· Take note: Build anticipation about your night together by slipping sexy and suggestive notes to each other, either in your brown-bagged lunch or via private email only the two of you have access to.
· Have a “Teen-Tastic” Time: Think back to the days of taking in the sunset from the front or back seat. Then, consider packing a sandwich or two and heading to the most scenic lookout around you and relive your teen angst and passion from a new vantage point.
· Toast each other and your love: Consider a private cocktail party with a sensational new drink or step out for some cocktails before heading home for some intoxicating time alone.
Long Island Relationship Articles
Hot Date Night: Great Ideas For Great Dates With Your Mate