Wining And Dining During Pregnancy: Guidelines For Good Eating
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 By mia bolaris-forget
Most women know that they need to adopt a healthy lifestyle once they are pregnant but few make the necessary changes during their pre-conception stage, even those who are “trying”.
But, according to the experts altering your eating and drinking habits well before you conceive is one of the best ways to help insure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. In fact, while being relaxed may make your more able to get pregnant, unwinding with a glass of wine, in not recommended. In fact, according to the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome alcohol can affect your little one’s development even in the preliminary stages of pregnancy, even before YOU realize you are expecting. However, if you have had a drink or two before getting your good news, no need to worry or panic…chances are your little one will be just fine, especially if you kick the habit immediately.
Long Island Pregnancy Articles
Wining And Dining During Pregnancy: Guidelines For Good Eating