Scarf Appeal: Helping Him Wrap His Mind Around Wearing A Sexy And Sophisticated Scarf
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
My dh, if I do say so myself, is quite the handsome man. In fact, his brothers and his friends, aren’t bad looking either. Honestly, all are good looking guys in their own right. However, most “do” lack some fashion sense…or should I say fashion savvy to be more accurate and specific. And, one of the areas they are lacking in, is sophistication in style including the very sexy and sophisticated dress coat, gloves and scarf. You had to see the look on dh’s best bud when I offered him a scarf for our sojourn into the city during his last visit. Not only was he uncomfortable with the garment and idea of wearing it, he was virtually clueless as to how one properly goes on. But, I’m sure that he’s not alone. In fact, is your man is more “macho” than “metrosexual” he too may be puzzled by the proper protocol when it comes to this winter neckwear accessory.
Here are a few basic strategies for mastering the masculine accessory:
1. Tie together the loose ends of the scarf or wrap them around your neck and make a one sided knot.
2. Allow scarf to drape around your neck allowing free ends to loosely hand down in the back, then crossing ends and bringing forward so that they fall in front of your chest.
3. Fold scarf in half draping it around your neck and pulling loose ends through the loop.
4. Let (shorter, wool) scard hand loosely around your shirt or sweater (loose ends to the front) or wear it draping under the collar of your jacket or sport coat.
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Scarf Appeal: Helping Him Wrap His Mind Around Wearing A Sexy And Sophisticated Scarf