Paint Brushes and Blooming Buds: Helping Your Home Get Spring Ready
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
As the cold weather insists on wearing on, all we can do is sit back and wait with anticipation for spring to show its welcomed return. After being trapped indoors due to frigid temperatures and snow, we all welcome the warmer weather and heading back outside. Start this fresh new season off right by giving the outside of your home a refreshing before you turn back inside for your usual spring cleaning; the exterior of your home is as ready to come back to life as the interior is!
Start from the outside in! Your front door not only welcomes all of your guests into your home, but also you and your family on a daily basis. Add a little life to your home by polishing up the door hinges, knock, and knobs. Add a fresh layer of paint or stain to help your door feel as good as new! If you’re feeling a little brave, paint your door an all new, contrasting color; drawing everyone’s eye to the welcoming passage into your home.
The best way to fight away the dark is to bring back the light! Turn on all of your outdoor lights and go through to replace the dead or dying ones with an energy efficient equivalent. You may even want to play with a new light tone to change the feel of your outdoors; whether you want natural, warm, or cool light, adding any one will dramatically change the feel of your outdoor living space.
Start bringing your yard back to life to match your cheered-up home. Go through and prune all of the dead buds and branches off of your bushes and trees; give them the opportunity to focus on growing and blooming, rather than attempting to repair their damaged limbs. Add a fresh layer of mulch and compost to each of your flower, bush, and tree beds to give your greenery the extra nutrition needed to come back to life.
Fix up all of your paths and walkways now, inviting your family and friends back out to nature. The cold weather and snow have a tendency of cracking, lifting, and disheveling walkways and patios. Fill in cracks or lift and remove broken pathways; think of replacing the broken concrete or cement with more natural stones, such as a pieced together slate walkway. Power-wash your pathways and patios for a fresh, new look and feel.
Long Island Home & Lifestyle Articles
Paint Brushes and Blooming Buds: Helping Your Home Get Spring Ready