Part 2 - Job Security:Holding Down A Job Once You Get One
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
While the term job security may seem like a “buzz” word or a unattainable “catch” phrase, experts say, it’s essential to make it work. From your ability to secure a loan, a credit card, certain investments, a home, etc, much of it is contingent on your work history which speaks volumes about your personality and your credibility. Holding on to a job may seem a difficult task out of your control, and often times, it is…but, experts assert that there are certain strategies that will help you cash in on job security.
Talk Tactics: Experts express the importance of the concept that “silence is golden”, especially at a new job. The implore employees to air on the side of caution when expressing a though or opinion. While you DO want voice any good ideas you may have you want to be careful not only of what your say, but to who you say it to, and how you say it. Voice, tone, facial expressions, even choice of words have a powerful impact, especially to how you are though of and perceived. Remember, it is wise to keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut, especially in the beginning….and wiser to say less and be though of a “fool”, rather than speak up and remove all doubt.
Group Dynamics: Statistically speaking, you spend more time with your colleagues than you do with most friends and family. Remember the days of report cards when you were graded on your ability to “play well with others”? Well, employers and fellow employees have a similar “grading system”. Professionals point out the importance of getting along with not only supervisors but also with co-workers and subordinates. Having a pleasant disposition and a positive attitude will help ensure you are “liked” and most likely prevent termination. Experts advise not only refraining from gossip with or about your colleagues and/or employers, but also showing enthusiasm about being a team player. While you DON’T want to “outshine” fellow workers you DO want to exhibit a spirit of dedication and willingness to work hard and go the extra mile. While you don’t want to be taken advantage of, keep in mind the importance of not showing frustration, aggravation or any other “negative” emotion relating to the job and your duties.
Do Unto Others: Treat the business as if it were your own and devote yourself to its growth and development. While it IS imperative (as we mentioned earlier) to get along with your colleagues, it is equally as important to NOT lose your focus. No matter how much you enjoy your environment, you don’t want to enjoy it too much and allow it to affect your work or productivity. Be conscientious of your actions and behaviors. Remember, having a job is a privilege, and your employer has entrusted you with a specific responsibility (no matter how “menial” you may consider it). We need everyone in this world, and it is your obligation (to your employer) to do your job and do it well. If you are capable of holding down a job, you are also capable of being responsible (for the job you hold). As my mother always use to say, it doesn’t (always) matter what you do, as long as you do it with “pride” and “dignity” and strive to be (one of) the best.
Get Bossy: Not literally but figuratively. While you do want to demonstrate you ability to problem solve, think on your feet, and work independently, and don’t want to get too “chummy” with your boss, experts assert that (especially in the beginning) it’s a good idea to find a mentor (consider your boss or an immediate supervisor among others), ask for your bosses opinion and review of his/her satisfaction with your performance and progress. Also, initially don’t view it as “beneath” you to ask for assistance or his/her suggestions and recommendations. Be willing to admit your mistakes (though try not to make too many of them), correct them, and learn from them.
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Long Island Money & Careers Articles
Part 2 - Job Security:Holding Down A Job Once You Get One