Fatal Florals: Holiday Plants That Can Be Poisonous And Dangerous To Your Family
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Holiday time is a time were we put extra care into our abodes turning them into cozy, festive, domains luring friends and family for fun and festivities. From ornate Menorahs and other glamorous Hanukkah decorations to towering Christmas trees, and giant wooden soldiers, Santas and reindeer, every home has it’s own unique holiday appeal.
But, some of the most festive foliage may be dangerous for your children and or your pet(s). However, according to horticulturists similar experts, Poinsettia plants are not as harmful and poisonous to people and pets as once was thought. Still, this festive plant “does” contain a mild irritant that may result in nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
And, there are other holiday plants that are more dangerous, especially if ingested, according to the poison center, and include:
· Holly: The bright red berries are extremely toxic and can be fatal, even if consumed in only a very small amount.
· Mistletoe: This plant’s berries, leaves and stems are all poisonous and dangerous.
· Jerusalem Cherry: The poison runs through the entire plant including the bright and beautiful berries.
· Bittersweet: Berries, leaves and stems are all toxic.
Long Island Safety Articles
Fatal Florals: Holiday Plants That Can Be Poisonous And Dangerous To Your Family