Alternative Medicine:Holistic Options For Your Pet
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
If you have a pet you know that they are not just “a pet’, but a huge part of the family. And, just like any other member of your brood, when they get sick, you want the best possible treatment for them. In fact, many “masters” are looking into alternative options for cats and dogs, and some experts seem to think they’re barking up the right tree.
· Annual shots not necessary say experts:According to experts, vaccinating your pet at 12 weeks old or older with a distemper and pravo vaccine in fine, and they recommend this over four, five, six or even seven vaccines, in one and then never vaccinating again. Your best bet, have your pooch or your cat tested yearly to see which vaccines, if any, have worn off.
· Get blood work done annually: Experts suggest that while the expression states that “eyes are the mirror of the soul”, blood is “the reflection of live”. They suggest getting blood work done for you pet annually and using that blood for specific supplementation recommendations.
· Invest in vitamins: Humans are not the only ones who need to embrace “preventative medicin”. In fact, experts suggest giving vitamins to pets, especially as they get older to boost their intake of healthy antioxidants. They recommend a good multi, minerals and fish oil.
· Look for raw (food) deals: We all know that “raw” foods are better for us, well, according to experts, they are also better for our pets. They note that cats and dogs are natural carnivores and that most pet foods are made from byproducts of the cereal industry, and that the grain-heavy food is “bad” for the health of your pet, plugging up the system and overdosing the pancreas while also making them more prone to allergies. Instead, they recommend looking for pet food made with raw meat.
· Remember that variety is the spice of life: Because domestic pets, unlike their “cousins” in the wild are not use to an all raw meat diet, putting them on one could potentially be dangerous and harmful to their health. Instead, they suggest balancing out your pets diet with the proper amount of calcium (supplement) or by adding crushed bone with some vegetation, which they note is probably your best option.
· Give them home cooked meals: If raw meat pet foods are posing a “problem”, experts suggest cooking for your pet at home. They recommend serving up meats such as lamb, chicken and turkey, just to name a few.
Long Island Pets Articles
Alternative Medicine:Holistic Options For Your Pet