The Truth About Cats And Dogs: Household Hazards To Your Pets
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
When most women get pregnant, they and their mate immediately start thinking about the health and welfare of the child. And, they adjust their lifestyle and that often means making necessary adjustments to their homes.
Still, while we call them our “babies”, few of us take the same strides to protect our pets. And, according to the experts, there are a host of hazards in our home, many we may not even be aware of, that can be potentially dangerous to our pet(s).
1. Alternative sweeteners: From the sweetener itself, to sweet stuffs that feature it as a sugar substitute, you need to keep it out of the reach of your pets. In fact, according to experts, some (sugar substitutes) can result in liver damage in dogs. So, if your pup gets his or her paws on some o these sugary treats, you should immediately run him or her to the vet.
2. Solvent Scents: Anything such as hot oils or burning candles and detergents that tend to make up liquid potpourri often result on ulcers in your pet’s mouth, throat, and/or gastrointestinal tract. And, while cats seem more sensitive than dogs, since they climb and dogs generally don’t, dogs are not immune to the noted negative affects.
3. Meds: Just like with children adult medications can be very dangerous to your pets. So, be sure to keep bottles tightly closed and out of reach. 4. Potentially Fatal Florals: While lilies are lovely to look at, they can be lethal to your cat.
5. Attractive Elements: Polyurethane Glue is a common poison preferred by pooches.
6. Herbal Hazards: Despite the health benefits they possess for humans, onions and garlic can be dangerous for dogs. According to experts the sulfur compounds they contain can result in gastrointestinal irritation to pets and damage their red blood cells.
7. Coin Concerns: While pets can choke on virtually any loose change lying around the house, experts are most concerned with pennies since they contain zinc, which is toxic to animals. And, the newer the coin/penny, the more hazardous to your pet’s health.
8. Macadamia Nuts: Just a few can do a lot of damage. According to experts, these nutty favorites can interfere with your pet’s digestive tract and muscles, resulting in extensive weakness (occasionally paralysis), some mild vomiting, and diarrhea. However, most get well over a period of 48-hours, whether of not they are treated by a vet.
9. Pine Problems: While most of US love the fresh, clean scent of pine when scrubbing and cleaning, the phenol contained in many of these products can result in severe liver damage in cats. And, cats can be affected even with minimal exposure, so it’s best to avoid these products all together.
Long Island Pets Articles
The Truth About Cats And Dogs: Household Hazards To Your Pets