When You’re Good You’re Good, But When You’re “Bad” You’re Better: How And Why Being “Good” Isn’t Always Good For You.
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Most of us have at one time or another set a goal of leading and living out healthier lives. For many that may mean exercising more, eating right, shedding a few pounds, giving up alcohol and/or giving up smoking. And, while all these healthy habits are good for us, you may be surprised to learn that some good “behaviours” are actually “bad” for you.
1. Catching Some Extra ZZZs: You get up early all week long, and you eagerly look forward to catch up on the weekend. But, according to experts, a few more hours of sleep can often leave you feeling lethargic rather than refreshed….and it’s a feeling that can drag you down for hours.
According to experts, what you are experiencing is a phenomenon commonly known as sleep inertia, that results as your body getting too much sleep and rather than allowing you to rise and shine, sets your body back by allowing it to enter a deeper phase of sleep brought on by sleeping longer than needed or normal.
Instead experts suggest catching up on sleep a little at a time. Try sleeping in a few minutes to up to an hour later each day and take no more than a 45 minute nap.
2. Kickstarting Your Day With A Big Breakfast: YES, breakfast IS the most important meal of the day, but eating too much or opting for the wrong foods can create a lull rather than enliven you. Take for instance, the average-size bagel, which usually counts as four servings of bread. Now pile on the cream cheese and your are looking at nearly 600 calories and over 20 grams of fat, slowing down your system in an effort to digest what you’ve ingested, rather than revving it up.
Consider instead two eggs and toast with some fresh fruit or fruit spread, or a small bowl or oatmeal or some fresh peanut butter and fresh fruit on some whole grain bread. You’re likely to feel full without feeling tired.
3. Eating Three Square Meals A Day: Limiting your food intake is a good thing, but not when you go about it the wrong way. In fact, a healthy diet takes into account “snacking” between meals. Remember, if you go more than four hours without food, it’s likely your blood sugar level may drop, draining you of energy, making you irritable, and extremely hungry and leading you to eat more, and more of the wrong foods.
Consider keeping some walnuts or almonds and some dried fruit at your desk or some string cheese and a mini whole whet pita in the company fridge. Carrot and/or celery sticks with some soy or peanut butter are another excellent option filling you up (faster) so that overall you eat less.
4. You Drink To Your Health: Keeping hydrated is an excellent way to preserve you skin and your health but drinking water only during and/or after you exercise is expecting your vehicle to go the distance when not FULLY fueled. Remember, water is essential to keeping our body temperature regulated and helping us sustain a healthy blood circulation. And, a loss of fluids equivalent to just 2 percent of individual body weight can cause you to feel fatigued and to substantially affecting your performance or your ability to perform.
Experts suggest drinking up to 16-ounces of water or a non-caffeinated beverage up to two hours before your workout and another 6 to 8 ounces within after 15 minutes of completing your routine.
5. You Stretch Out Your Workout By Skipping Your Post-Workout Stretch: Sure your pushing your body and muscles to the limit by according to experts you are denying your muscles a fundamental opportunity to recover. Stretching allows your body to recover faster and improves circulation boosting your energy levels and decreasing the after workout pain you may experience. Your best bet: doing a full-body stretch for at least five minutes post workout.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
When You’re Good You’re Good, But When You’re “Bad” You’re Better: How And Why Being “Good” Isn’t Always Good For You.