Pointe-ing You In The Right Direction: How Ballet Can Give You A Better Body
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
One of my favourite pass-times besides reading a good book, which will do little to whittle away by butt and thighs, is dancing. But, the last time I can remember going out dancing and really working up a sweet was back in my very early 20s before all my friends got married and settled into family life and career.
In fact, I often joke that it’s no wonder I could eat pretty much what I wanted way back when and stay pretty much fit and trim as my friends and I tripped the light fantastic. Starting Thursday night and going pretty much straight through to Sunday night we’d all be out working up a sweat at one of Long Island’s then many dance clubs.
Now my fitness routine consists of squeezing a few moments of running, in and out of stores mostly, and a half hour of deliberate weight training.
But, at least for me, and perhaps for many ladies, there’s more to weight training than just losing weight, staying in shape. Besides the many health benefits, a fitness routine can help tone, tighten, but also build elegance and grace. And, one of the most effective ways to shape up gracefully is by enrolling in a ballet class. That right, even these “dainty”, “fluid” movements can firm your figure, improve your posture, build your strength and stamina, and give you a few cool new moves.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
Pointe-ing You In The Right Direction: How Ballet Can Give You A Better Body