The Dating Game: How Dating Your Mate Can Help Save Your Marriage
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
I don’t know, maybe it’s a new trend, but most women today seem to have less and less and less time for themselves and for some serious fun and romance. In fact, I’ve repeatedly seen ladies sabotage their chances for love by opting to fill their schedules with other (often less pressing) activities and obligations. And, wives are guilty of this too.
According to experts, modern Mrs. are typically “busier” than they were just a decade or two ago. In fact, more and more seem “stressed” out by their overload of work, including work, meeting, pre and after work appointments, kids, community, pets, projects and housework. Most barely have time to sit down, so it only follows that neglecting themselves and their relationship is “normal”. In fact, most women 25-60 note that priorities and responsibilities take precedence over fun, games and sexual intimacy.
But, according to experts, most are prioritizing the wrong priorities. In fact, relationship experts agree that much like clean clothes and daily (family) dinners, romance is something that needs to be on the top ten or every couple’s “to do” list.
They (the experts) go on to say that today’s couples have even more of a romantic disconnect than generations before, primarily because, in most households, both people are working outside the home and we find ourselves pressed for time. Plus, all the time away from the family makes many parents feel like they have to “make up” for lost time; as well as stay involved in their kids lives. But, say experts, this can backfire. While spending more time with the family is good, spending less time with your mate can be dangerous and detrimental and can harm the relationship and the family. They add, that without quality time together, intimacy is also compromised and so is the integrity and strength of the relationship. In fact, sex, they say is simply the icing on the cake, for every good relationship. But, besides “date night” experts suggest that couples spend time catching up with each other’s lives, perhaps talking the way they use to before kids or cohabitating.
Last, but not least experts suggest refraining from limiting “romance” to date night. Instead they suggest showing love, even around the kids and maintaining a playful spirit with your mate every day. They recommend flirting, using pet names or paying each other frequent compliments; as well as simply calling to hear each other’s voice when you get a break. In fact, try to keep up the pace and excitement you kept when you first started dating, it just may have seriously ‘dramatic” results.
Long Island Relationship Articles
The Dating Game: How Dating Your Mate Can Help Save Your Marriage