The Daddy Dynamic: How Hormone Changes Help Prepare Men For Fatherhood
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 By mia bolaris-forget
It's no secret that the mother-child bond begins at conception and is packed with a host of physical, emotional and hormonal changes. But now new research reveal that even dad's begin to bond with baby while mom is expecting and go through a series of hormonal changes of their own. In fact, it's these changes that prepare them for being a day. According to experts, most of us get our "get up and go" from a cortisol surge that wakes our brains up and wakes us up in the morning. It is this same surge that allows new dad's to be to be on high alert for when baby arrives. In addition, about three weeks before baby's arrival, testosterone, typically linked to "competitiveness", "aggression" and sex drive declines by a third say experts. Some suggest this is part of a grand plan to put dad's normal vices down and help him gear up to be a nurturing care-giver along with mom.
Long Island Pregnancy Articles
The Daddy Dynamic: How Hormone Changes Help Prepare Men For Fatherhood