Truth, Lies, And A Prison Sentence: How hyping up your resume and credentials could land you in jail.
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Most of us wouldn’t consider exaggerating our abilities or stretching the truth “lying”, especially when it came to what we say on our resume to help pad the potential of getting a job.
According to experts however, you may want to think twice before you type. It seems that the latest “trend” in business hype, blatant distortion of the facts, is considered so egregious it may land you in jail.
It seems that the tight and uncertain job market has inspired some creative writing. Not only are job seekers embellishing on previous positions help, but on education attained. In fact many crafty candidates are doctoring their resume to feature academic achievements and degrees never actualized.
Some of the most scheming sorts have even “covered their tracks” by furnishing prospective employers with toll-free numbers answered by web site operators who “validate” the resume information. Others have even gone as far as hacking into university Web sites and adding their names to the list of graduates.
Before you go getting any bright ideas, you may want to reconsider and consider that your little “white lies” may be considered a huge (white-collar) crime, a felony to be exact. Getting caught and convicted (most likely) means doing time, and not at the office from 9-5. Furthermore, fraudulent information can be brought against you years later. Should your employer discover that your erroneous information secured your position and advancement (including higher pay) within the company or organization, you can and will be held liable.
Research shows that this is not simply a recent phenomenon but a growing plague in the business world. In fact, statistics show that over 50 percent of job seekers in 2003 had (significantly) falsified their resume.
Authorities say, embellishing your salary or extent of duties is one thing, while conveniently counterfeiting your credentials crosses the limit and IS breaking the law. They assure job candidates that by ratifying their resume they are actually making their task a finding a job harder. Employers are fighting back by taking longer to conduct reference and even background checks and ensuring they are hiring the best, most trustworthy employee. In addition, (most) employers are (now) requesting an official transcript (signed and sealed) sent directly from your alma mater as a means of verifying your claims.
Long Island Money & Careers Articles
Truth, Lies, And A Prison Sentence: How hyping up your resume and credentials could land you in jail.