Tipped Off: How The Scales Tend To Tip After Marriage
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Marriage it has been proven is “good for you” on many levels, and can even, in the long run, increase life span. Ironically, marriage can, in a sense, have the opposite effect on health and longevity, especially in (some) women. How and why is that possible? Well because most brides now wives have a tendency to gain weight and even become “obese” over time. That’s right….according to experts, the standard weight gain for most is, on average, 10 pound post-nuptials. But, that tends to increase over time, and the more time you spend with the same partner/spouse. In fact, studies suggest that the risk of obesity doubles or triples for those who have tied the knot. And, it seems women are more likely to not only gain weight but gain significantly more than their male counterparts. This, primarily because ladies finally “let their hair down”, and give into their cravings and indulgences. In addition, they tend to eat more often (along with their man), and increase their portion size (to match his) as well. Factor in a less active, likely more sedentary lifestyle, and you have a recipe for dietary disaster.
The key to keeping your shape…staying single….or holding on to your single-gal mentality…rating yourself on how attractive you’d be or feel to the opposite sex. This thinking may just help keep you from “binging” and from skipping a regular workout routine. And, it’s also a good idea to hold onto to your “hot” clothes, even if you no longer wear them out, but rather to try on from time to time to make sure they fit.
Another stay-slim strategy is keeping tabs on not only what you eat…but what you cook. It’s a “fact” that most ladies eat “light” before saying “I Do”, but tend to cook richer meals for their men after they are married….and that means more calories and fat. Continue cooking low-fat meals (which is better for both of you) or make something lighter for you, if your man is fussy about having his hearty meats, potatoes and pastas.
While you’re at it, it’s probably best for your waistline if your keep “waste” out of the house, and that includes any “foods” or indulgences that may compromise your health or your figure. Let your husband know which foods get the thumbs up and those that get the thumbs down and ask him to kindly respect your wishes and your kitchen rules so that you can (both) stay as young and healthy looking as you did when you first met. And, don’t get into the habit of hibernating after work or after dinner. Try to stay as active as you once were before you “settled” down and into routine.
Lastly, make sure to discuss any changes in your life, and/or relationship; and come to an agreement on how, together, you can make it better. Remember, happily ever after means spending a LONG time together and that means each of you taking care of yourselves and each other to make the journey fun, fabulous and healthy.
Long Island Relationship Articles
Tipped Off: How The Scales Tend To Tip After Marriage