Hot, Hot, Hot: How To Achieve Hot Mama Status
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Most of us ladies are all about kicking bad habits and getting into shape before conceiving and after delivery. But, most also, let themselves go during their 9-months of pregnancy.
Still, we all look at the stars and how glam and effortless they make the experience seem. In fact, they take the concept of maternal glow to a whole new seemingly unattainable level.
But, looking good and feeling good during (and ultimately after) pregnancy, say experts, is a mater to proper pampering. Staying in shape and avoiding putting on excessive amounts of weight are key. In fact, you only need an additional 300 or so calories daily during your second and third trimesters, though you do need more of certain nutrients. Experts suggest two or three servings of calcium-packed foods, five servings of veggies, three of fruit, six of whole grains and two serving of lean meats and other such sources of protein.
A prenatal vitamin each day is also highly recommended as long as it contains an ample amount of calcium. Otherwise, experts note a lack of calcium intake will result in baby taking it from your bones and increasing your chances of osteopososis.
Gaining only between 25 and 35 pounds is best and regular activity/exercise is essential. In fact, professionals point out that recent research suggests that it’s okay to work out at about the same intensity level as you did pre-pregnancy. And, they add that having a regular exercise routine before conception is beneficial to both mom and baby. They add that those who stay physically fit and active during pregnancy are less likely to develop life-threatening preeclampsia or to deliver prematurely. However, high-contact sports, high-altitude workouts, scuba diving and some ab work and crunches aren’t safe for pregnancy, so it’s best to check with your doctor first.
Long Island Pregnancy Articles
Hot, Hot, Hot: How To Achieve Hot Mama Status