Party Like A Pro: How To Be A Gracious and Happy Host
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
They say there's no place like home for the holidays...and for many that means festive parties where YOU have to be the host or hostess. And, between work and family working to please guests leaves you feeling "displeased".
So, how can you enjoy your friends, family...and the holidays? Well, you can start by understanding what to expect so it's not so unfamiliar or unexpected.
Get use to a lack of privacy; a hectic schedule (more than normal); Above average interruptions; meals that are anything but relaxing (especially if you're doing the catering, cooking, holiday decorating and shopping), learn how to be flexible and roll with the punches; get ready to be "on" until the holidays are over or at least until your guests are gone.
Another way to ease the stress is by learning to plan ahead, delegate responsibility (even if things won't get done "exactly" your way, and to allow yourself to enjoy...even among the mayhem.
Proper Planning: Start by making lists: from gift lists to menus this helps with getting what you want and getting it ahead of time. You can also start decorating and cooking ASAP, freezing foods so they will be ready for the big day. Also doing a little at a time helps take the stress of and makes your event more enjoyable, emotionally at least.
Delegating Authority: Let others get involved so that you can reduce your workload. Let kids help with baking or shopping...or even decorating. You can even ask guests to bring some dessert or a special dish so you won't have to do as much cooking.
Have fun and Enjoy: Entertain yourself as you prepare to entertain by making your home or abode as festive as possible to help get you in the spirit and in the mood. Think back to when you were younger, even as far back as to when you were a kid and about all those things that made Christmas special for you...embrace those all those practices and keep them alive in your home and at your celebration, even if they were a little hokey. If you are expecting overnight guests, cut yourself some slack by giving yourself the gift of relaxation by not trying to do too much. Instead of trying to cook every meal, consider serving up leftovers, asking guests (depending on how close you are)to pitch in, and/or taking them out for a meal or two.
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Party Like A Pro: How To Be A Gracious and Happy Host