I’m Not Worthy: How To Go About Asking For A Raise
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We all wish we had or could make more money, but few of us have the guts to ask for it. Yet, according to the experts, the only way to get what we want is by actually going after it, even if that means asking.
But, according to experts the “asking” (process) has two parts: things you need to know and those you need to do. And, here’s the breakdown before barging into the boss’s office:
Wants And Needs: It’s important to remember that money isn’t always everything. If you’d like to make $100,000 per year, but could be just as happy with about $70,000 plus 4 weeks vacations, a retirement and pension plan, as well as full medical and dental, you should come to terms with that and have a specific number or package in mind.
Net Worth: Before arriving at an arbitrary figure, think again, since if it’s not the industry average you may be sabotaging your chances of getting it. Instead experts advise doing your homework and finding out what competitors are paying employees in your position and be prepared to substantiate your demands by pointing out how you’ve benefited the company.
The Bottom Line: Ask for a higher amount than you actually want, but within the “limits’ of what you feel you deserve. And always have a minimum figure or (package) deal you are prepared to accept and live with.
Surrender Strategies: Like the song says, “you gotta know when to hold’em, know when to fold’em”, and when it comes to asking for a raise, your need to be comfortable about what you are asking for, but also know when to push, and when to back down. In fact, experts add that if your too forceful, people may not want to negotiate with you.
Now that you know what you want, experts offer the following advice for how to go about getting it.
· Discuss your “demands” directly with the person you’ll be working for
· Offer a work-related story as well as a personal character story and change the mood of the room and the interview. Plus, if gives you the opportunity to highlight some of your best qualities both in and out of the office.
· Send a hand-written note as part of your follow-up protocol demonstrating that you don’t mind taking the extra time and that the negotiations process is important to you. If discussing demands with your current boss, send an e-mail highlighting what was discussed or incorporating anything that may have been omitted or overlooked.
· Ask an abundance of question during an interview, specifically about the company and the position you are vying for.
· Make statements that reflect your experience and your worth.
· If you come to a standstill on any particular issue, especially salary, consider finalizing all other avenues of negotiation and revisiting the area of contention at another time.
· Ask about what the alternatives to what you want and proposed.
· Ask about substituting time of or a flexible schedule in lieu of a salary increase
· Inquire about performance and what you can do to ensure a higher income within a specific time frame.
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I’m Not Worthy: How To Go About Asking For A Raise